Black church leader praises Trump, complains that Obama never visited

 June 16, 2024

Fox News reported that former President Donald Trump stopped the largely African American 180 Church in Detroit this past weekend.

While 180 Church Pastor Lorenzo Sewell welcomed Trump, he criticized former President Barack Obama for having never stopped by.

Pastor: "President Obama never came to the 'hood, so-to-speak"

"President Obama never came to the 'hood, so-to-speak, right?" Fox News quoted Sewell as telling Trump on Saturday, adding that he was "humbled" by the former president's visit.

The clergyman then went on to reference a high-profile speech that President Joe Biden delivered in the city late last month.

"President Joe Biden, he went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the ’hood. So thank you," Sewell declared to applause from those in attendance.

Biden's NAACP address brought renewed scrutiny of the president's mental competence, with Fox News reporting that the White House was forced to issue a total of nine corrections when it published a transcript of the event.

Trump highlights damage that illegal immigration does to black communities

Sewell also told "Fox & Friends" that he welcomed Trump's Platinum Plan, which pledged some $500 billion for business and churches in urban areas.

"Those metrics matter to us," Sewell told "Fox & Friends," adding, "So we're going to hold him accountable to the Platinum Plan that he produced."

The New York Post reported that for his part, Trump attacked Biden over his handling of the migrant crisis and highlighted the damage it is doing to minority communities.

"They’re coming for your jobs. And it’s terrible. … The black community is being hurt most by illegal aliens," Trump at one point declared.

The former president cautioned Detroit residents that illegal migrants are "coming into your communities and they’re taking your jobs."

Obama leads a confused Biden off stage at LA fundraising event

Meanwhile, former President Obama spent Saturday at a Los Angeles fundraiser where according to the Post, Biden appeared to "freeze up" as the event ended.

In a viral video, Biden could be seen staring off blankly into the audience for roughly 10 seconds before Obama took his former vice president's hand and led him toward the exit.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson