Biden warns that the next president may appoint two Supreme Court justices

 June 17, 2024

During a recent speech, Joe Biden issued a warning that the next president of the United States may pick two Supreme Court justices during the next four years.

Additionally, while attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles on a Saturday night, Biden, a former vice president and current Oval Office occupant,  presented his argument regarding the significance of the upcoming election in November, as The Washington Examiner reported.

This has been an issue of serious concern to many in Washington, considering the influence that the Supreme Court has on the nation's rule of law.

The Event

The event was attended by a number of prominent Hollywood celebrities as well as former President Barack Obama

“The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more,” Biden said before referring to Trump. “He’s already appointed two that have been very negative in terms of rights of individuals.”

Justice Samuel Alito, who has been embroiled in controversy over two flags flown at his residences, was the target of his clear and direct attack.

“The idea that if [Trump] is reelected, he can appoint two more, flying flags upside down,” Biden said, adding that the prospect of more Trump-appointed justices was “one of the scariest parts of the administration.”

Because the Judicial Branch essentially boils down to nine individuals at its peak, each vote on the nation's high court is an important issue.

Another Interview

In an appearance with Obama and talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, who was hosting the aggressively left-leaning conversation, the president made the comments about the possible future of the nation's high court.

The Supreme Court has been a notorious thorn in the side of liberals since the majority swung to the right, with the nominations during Trump's term in office.

Unlike Trump, who has nominated three Supreme Court justices—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—Biden has nominated just one, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

If Biden is Right

Should Biden's forecast come true, Trump could end up in the unique position of having the power to nominate more than 50% of the Supreme Court justices throughout his two terms in office if he were to win the election in November.

Appointing "progressive judges" to fill Supreme Court vacancies was one of the campaign promises that Biden made last month at a Philadelphia speech, stumping his way through the United States for his campaign.

Reportedly, a massive $28 million was raised at the Saturday fundraiser event, which was attended by a host of Hollywood A-listers, including George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson