State Department officials says Biden administration wants to change U.S. demographics

 June 21, 2024

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was excoriated several years ago for suggesting that the Biden administration is attempting to change America's demographics.

Yet in a bombshell development, newly released undercover videos suggest that is exactly the White House's plan. 

"I wish people knew we were letting criminals in daily"

The videos were released this week by the conservative watchdog group Project Veritas, and one of them purports to show an official from the U.S. State Department's Consular office.

"The truth is they want to change the demographic of the United States," the State Department figure can be heard saying. He later adds, "I wish people knew we were letting criminals in daily."

Mother of slain woman slams administration for making daughter "an object"

That revelation came a day after the mother of murder victim Rachel Morin complained that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to use her daughter's name when being questioned about crime committed by illegal migrants.

"It's a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter," the New York Post quoted Patty Morin as telling Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

"It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object," Mrs. Morin continued before adding that no one from the White House has reached out.

Rachel Morin was raped and murdered in Harford County, Maryland last summer, allegedly by 23-year-old Salvadoran illegal migrant and gang member Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez.

The Post pointed out how in addition to killing Morin, Martinez-Hernandez is also accused of committing a violent home invasion in California in 2023. What's more, the 23-year-old is suspected of an earlier murder in his native El Salvador.

Second State Department official says Biden's "Root Causes Strategy" has failed

Another person to be featured in the videos was Dan Fitzgerald, who serves as a State Department country coordinator.

Fitzgerald slammed the Biden administration's $4 billion "Root Causes Strategy," which aims to reduce illegal migration by improving conditions in Central America.

However, Fitzgerald asserted that the approach is flawed because "[m]igrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela" where the Root Causes Strategy is not focused.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson