Body camera footage is released of police arrested a Georgia judge

 June 24, 2024

Police have just released the body camera footage that they took when they arrested a Georgia judge.

The 2-minute and 13-second video was released on Friday, June 21, 2024, by the Atlanta Police Department on its X page.

Take a look:

What happened?

The Atlanta Police Department has released a statement detailing the arrest of 38-year-old Christina Peterson, a Douglas County Probate Judge.

"On June 20th, 2024, at approximately 3:18 a.m., an Atlanta Police officer working an approved extra job at 3179 Peachtree Rd. NE, overheard a commotion nearby and went to investigate. During this time, he noticed security at the location escorting a female out of the venue," the statement begins.

The statement goes on to reveal that Peterson was uncooperative and that she actually attacked the officer.

"While assisting security and attempting to de-escalate the situation, an unidentified female, later identified as 38-year-old Christina Peterson rushed toward the commotion and immediately started screaming at the security guard and the officer. Ms. Peterson then forcibly pushed the officer in the chest and kept swiping his hands away as he attempted to assist the female being escorted out," the department wrote.

It added, "Ms. Peterson pushed the officer in the chest again and that is when she was subsequently placed into custody. The arresting officer attempted several times to obtain the female suspect's identifying information for processing purposes, however, she refused to cooperate. This caused a delay in the officer transporting her to jail. Upon further investigation, officers were able to later confirm her identity."

The judge's side of the story

Peterson is now trying to claim that the situation was a "setup."

According to Breitbart News, she wrote on social media:

This was a setup. Officer initially claimed he was charging me with disorderly conduct, all for trying to help a woman who was being attacked by men then took me to jail and I find out I’m being charged with a felony now.

The judge went on to claim that the officer injured her in the process of arresting her.

She concluded, "They will stop at nothing to tarnish my character. God help us! We need justice."

Now, Peterson, through her attorney, is calling for the charges to be dropped. To this end, she has asked Fani Willis - the infamous Fulton Country District Attorney - to review her case.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson