Justice Samuel Alito absent from bench for 2 days in a row during spate of landmark opinions

 June 24, 2024

As the U.S. Supreme Court continues to generate headlines regarding its recent string of landmark decisions, court observers quickly noticed something else going on.

According to People, Justice Samuel Alito, the high court's most conservative member in most's opinion, has been missing from the bench for at least two days in a row.

His absence came as the high court handed down multiple, high-profile rulings.

Notably, he has missed a total of nine opinions during his two-day absence, and the high court has not revealed why Justice Alito has been away from the bench, raising plenty of questions and concerns.

What's going on?

Aside from his absence from the bench, Alito has dominated headlines over the past several weeks due to the Democrat-initiated controversy regarding a flag flown in his yard by his wife in 2021.

People noted:

He has been under scrutiny since The New York Times reported in May that his personal properties flew flags associated with the "Stop the Steal" movement and used by Jan. 6 Capitol rioters. Alito, who said that his wife chose to fly the flags, refused to recuse himself from two soon-to-be-decided Supreme Court cases related to Jan. 6 criminal charges.

Democrats seized on the report and several high-profile Dems demanded that Alito recuse himself from certain cases because of the flag  -- cases related to Jan. 6, 2021 and former President Donald Trump.

A massive decision will likely come down this week regarding Trump's presidential immunity claim, and Alito has not recused himself from the case.

Only a few business days are left on the high court's calendar to release several landmark decisions, including Trump's immunity opinion.

Should the justices not make the deadline before the Supreme Court's summer recess, the session would have to be extended into July to catch up on the backlog of massive decisions.

Haters chime in

Not surprisingly, Alito's critics on social media and in the extreme left-leaning media offered their own opinions as to why Alito could have missed two days during the high court's busiest time.

It was noted that even with his absence, Alito's name was still on the rulings that were handed down during the days he wasn't there.

Multiple media outlets reached out to the Supreme Court's PR office but no further details were provided.

Hopefully, the conservative justice is in good health and has a perfectly reasonable explanation for being out.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson