Biden confirms disappointment over failed $230,000,000 Gaza Pier project

 July 14, 2024

It's been a long list of failures since Joe Biden took office in America's White House, but this may just be one of his worst yet.

Joe Biden has just confirmed that he is "disappointed" over the failure of his $230,000,000 military pier effort in Gaza.

America's Pentagon has already confirmed that they will be dismantling the temporary pier that was built for Gaza Aid operation. Because of rough seas and other problems, the $230,000,000 is officially being called a failure even by the people behind it.

Pier detached from the shore

Anyone who understands what a pier is know that it needs to be attached to the shore to be of any use. Even Biden is admitting that his version wasn't good enough.

"I've been disappointed that some of the things that I've put forward have not succeeded as well, like the port we attached from Cyprus – I was hopeful that would be more successful," Biden admitted.

Long list of problems for Joe Biden

Joe Biden simply does NOT have the trust of the American people right now, and this is not going to help matters. Voters feel like we can't trust him.

First of all, the man is completely corrupt. His loyalty can be bought and sold whenever Hunter Biden decides.

Second of all, Joe's mental capacities are depreciating so quickly that even if he was an honest man, I wouldn't want him running this country. Liberals around this country need to start getting honest with Joe Biden and convincing him that America would be better off without him in the lead.

Joe Biden was already trailing Donald Trump in the polls because of Joe's disastrous performance at the first presidential debate this June, and things are about to get a lot worse for Biden.

It was a terrible tragedy that gunfire at a recent Donald Trump rally killed at least one innocent person, but we may have just witnessed one of the most iconic events in world history. Donald Trump must have been scared, but it also gave him the perfect opportunity to display his bravery in front of America.

Some people think that Donald Trump simply seized a great PR moment for himself and his campaign. Others are saying that Donald Trump truly wants to be fighting for his country and this is proof that he's willing to stand up in the face of danger to do it.

The attempt on Trump's life couldn't have come at a worse time for Biden. Sure, the attention may be off his Gaza pier failure and his debate disaster, but that's only because Donald Trump just became America's hero.

Do you think Donald Trump already has the presidency locked up? With Donald's heroic status and Joe Biden's crumbling mental capacity, many people think so.

Biden bungling the Gaza Pier is just another item on a long list of failures for this administration, which is quickly becoming known as one of the worst in American history.

Hopefully America is able to speak at the ballot boxes this November, because the citizens of this country have not been being served well enough by the liberals in our federal government.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson