Secret Service acts following security breach at weekend Trump event

 July 30, 2024

Just over two weeks have passed since a would-be assassin wounded former President Donald Trump and killed one of his supporters.

Meanwhile, this past Saturday saw Secret Service agents swarm into action amid fears that Trump and his family could face another nightmare scenario.

Two individuals managed to evade second checkpoint at Nashville bitcoin event

According to Fox News, Trump was scheduled to appear as a speaker at the 2024 Bitcoin conference in Nashville's Music City Center.

However, Trump was told to delay his remarks after Secret Service personnel discovered that two individuals did not follow proper entry protocols.

The pair of individuals were reportedly cleared at an initial checkpoint but managed to evade being screened at a second checkpoint.

While it remains unclear as to how the two individuals were able gain entry, a Secret Service spokesperson told Fox News that Trump was not in danger.

"It was determined that there was no protective interest with these individuals and there was never a threat to the former president," the official was quoted as saying.

Trump warns that "[If] we don't embrace bitcoin and cryptocurrency, China will"

As Axios reported, Trump touted the importance of cryptocurrency during his speech, saying, "I'm thrilled to be the first American president ever to address a Bitcoin event."

"[If] we don't embrace bitcoin and cryptocurrency, China will," the former president declared. "I want [it] to be mined, minted, and made in the USA. It's not going to be made anywhere else. And if bitcoin is going to the moon, as we say … I want America to be the nation that leads the way."

Trump pledged that he will facilitate bitcoin mining activities by making electricity more affordable through all available means, including nuclear power and fossil fuels.

Former president calls for U.S. to create "strategic national bitcoin stockpile"

What's more, the former president argued that the federal government should create a "strategic national bitcoin stockpile" by not selling the cryptocurrency when it is seized from criminals.

Axios pointed out that the U.S. government is currently one of the world's largest crypto holders, possessing more than 210,000  bitcoins.

Further, Trump also promised to create a regulatory environment that is more favorable to both bitcoin miners and investors.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson