Trump campaign points out that Harris won't 'hunt down bloodthirsty terrorists' like he will

 August 2, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's campaign said in a statement on Wednesday that Vice President Kamala Harris, his presumptive opponent in 2024, will not "hunt down bloodthirsty terrorists" like he will if he is elected.

The Trump campaign, via National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, said:

The Harris-Biden failed foreign policy agenda has weakened our nation while strengthening our enemies, leading to war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Kamala Harris has yet to acknowledge Israel for taking out one of Hamas’ top leaders after their heinous strike that killed 12 innocent Israeli children. If dangerously liberal Kamala Harris is given the keys to the Oval Office and handed the nuclear codes, the world will no doubt be a much more dangerous place. Only President Trump will restore peace through strength, end the war in Ukraine, make Iran broke again, and hunt down blood-thirsty terrorists who seek to prey on innocent Israelis and Americans.

The statement was in response to successful Israeli airstrikes on Iran-backed terrorists in Lebanon: Fuad Shukr, a.k.a. al-Hajj Mohsin, who was Hezbollah’s second-in-command; and Ismail Haniyeh, the political head of the Hamas terror group.

Shukr executed a rocket attack on Saturday that killed 12 Israeli children, and was also involved in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marines barracks there, which killed 241 American servicemen.

"Peace through strength"

The statement goes along with Trump's frequent comments at rallies like the one in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, where he said, "I will restore peace through strength. Over and over again, our enemies have watched Biden and Harris signal a lack of will – total weakness – to do what’s necessary to protect American people and stand up for our allies."

He blasted Harris for skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress last week to go to a sorority party.

"Can you believe it? Even though it was her duty as President of the Senate to be there. It was her duty to be there," he said.

He continued to paint the U.S. as weak under Biden and Harris's leadership, which encourages enemies to attack us.

Not accidental

"I don’t think it’s accidental that just four days after Harris and Biden repudiated our Israeli allies, Iran’s top terrorist group, Hezbollah, fired an Iranian missile that killed 12 innocent children at a soccer field in northern Israel," he pointed out.

"The terrorists did it because they assumed they could get away with it"," he said. Because the United States is weak and ineffective and no longer respected. We are no longer respected."

"We are a failing nation," he added. "I mean, it’s horrible. You don’t want to say it. I wish I didn’t have to say it."

Trump said he wouldn't be running for president again if those in power now were doing a good job.

Trump also pointed out that the Middle East was peaceful while he was president.

He credited his policies to being strict with Iran for peace during his tenure.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson