Woman says her mother died alone due to Tim Walz's COVID lockdown policy

 August 16, 2024

Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz has faced complaints from men he served alongside who say he lied about his military record.

However, Walz was hit with a different allegation this week as one of his former constituents claimed that he is the reason her mother died alone.  

"She didn't have to be alone when she died"

According to Fox News, a one-time Minnesota resident named Cathy made that assertion during an interview with the network on Wednesday.

Specifically, Cathy indicated that her mother passed away of "loneliness" in a nursing home after Gov. Walz imposed COVID-related lockdown measures in 2020.

"If it weren't for these rules put in place for COVID by Governor Walz, one of my brothers could have been there with her," said Cathy, who moved to South Dakota four years ago.

"She didn't have to be alone when she died, but their tyranny is the reason that she was alone when she passed," Cathy told Fox News Digital.

"We all know she died of loneliness because how can you go on in a room by yourself for weeks and months and not be able to touch your family or see your family," the woman insisted.

Walz didn't stop rioters from going out despite COVID lockdown

"I did give her a kiss on the forehead before I left, but she passed while I was having chemo that day," Cathy recalled. "I can't imagine the loneliness that my mother went through when she was dying."

While Walz cited COVID as a reason to limit personal freedom, he did little to prevent riots which resulted in multiple deaths, including one man who was burned alive.

Far from condemning the destruction, Minnesota First Lady Gwen Walz appeared to savor it during a bizarre television interview following the unrest.

Cathy: "Minneapolis is just not safe anymore"

"I could smell the burning tires…I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening," Mrs. Walz said.

Cathy told Fox News that crime and violence continue to be a problem under the governor, saying, "Minneapolis is just not safe anymore."

"Our son still lives just four blocks from the Minneapolis border, and they hear gunshots at night. It's very concerning how the crime is, and they don't seem to want to do anything to make things better, especially Tim Walz," she lamented.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson