117 pages of transcripts between Biden and his ghostwriter suddenly found: Report

 August 15, 2024

There's an ongoing effort to obtain certain records of Special Counsel Robert Hur's probe into President Joe Biden's classified documents probe, which he seemed to skate out of with ease, unlike former President Donald Trump. 

According to Fox News, a bombshell new discovery led to the DOJ's sudden location of 117 pages of transcribed discussions between the president and his ghostwriter.

The Oversight Project, a conservative government transparency watchdog, sued the Justice Department for the records.

The call for the transcripts from the ghostwriter and audio from the Hur interview with Biden are part of an ongoing effort to expose Biden's competency level.

What's going on?

Biden's ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, previously faced a subpoena at the hands of the powerful House Judiciary Committee. The committee sought all the relevant records from his interactions with Biden.

The Justice Department reportedly informed the court about the transcripts of Biden and the ghostwriter just prior to the watchdog group's last hearing on the matter.

"There do exist written transcripts of President Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter where they discuss classified material, and that Special Counsel Hur relied upon those written transcripts in coming to his conclusions [that Biden was a ‘well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory’]," Oversight Project counsel Kyle Brosnan said.

Brosnan added, "The discovery of those materials has been the subject of a lot of back-and-forth between us and the Justice Department about how we want to proceed."

He explained that their concerns now is how the case will be impacted by the latest discovery.

"We’re trying to figure out how that discovery impacts the case and kind of what the next steps are there."

Social media erupts

The watchdog group's announcement that the transcripts were found set off a firestorm of commentary across social media.

"This has to be the most corrupted administration of all times! Can’t believe anything they do or say!" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Of course we won't see this in the far left media!"

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson