VP Harris insists in CNN interview her 'values have not changed,' confirms she's still a far-left progressive

 August 30, 2024

On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, sat down with CNN's Dana Bash for Harris' first media interview since taking over for President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee more than a month ago.

Harris was asked about several different issues where her policy position has shifted substantially from the progressive far-left to a more moderate center-left, but Harris repeatedly insisted to Bash that her core "values have not changed," according to the New York Post.

Former President Donald Trump's campaign immediately highlighted that admission as evidence that Harris is a political "chameleon" who dishonestly changes her tune on policies depending upon the audience she is speaking to at the moment but at heart remains a committed far-left progressive.

"My values have not changed"

During the CNN interview, Bash asked VP Harris about her prior stance in 2019 when the then-senator vowed to ban hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as a method for drilling for natural gas and oil. Harris replied that she no longer wanted to ban fracking and, when asked what prompted that change, insisted, "Let’s be clear. My values have not changed."

Just moments later, after Bash pointed out how Harris' current positions and 2019 positions on border security, decriminalizing illegal immigration, and other issues had moved from the left toward the center, the Democratic nominee again was adamant that "my values have not changed" -- a claim she repeated several times.

The Post noted that Republicans, former President Trump, and the Trump campaign wasted little time in calling out Harris for confirming what they have been saying the entire time -- that she has not truly moved to the moderate center but instead remains a devout leftist who would impose her unpopular and unworkable Marxist policies that would only worsen the nation's current problems.

Harris still a far-left progressive with terrible policy proposals

In a Thursday evening post to Truth Social, former President Trump wrote, "I just saw Comrade Kamala Harris’ answer to a very weakly-phrased question, a question that was put in more as a matter of defense than curiosity, but her answer rambled incoherently, and declared her 'values haven’t changed.'"

"On that I agree, her values haven’t changed," he added. "The Border is going to remain open, not closed, there will be Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, No Cash Bail, Gun Confiscation, Zero Fracking, a Ban on Gasoline-Powered Cars, Private Healthcare will be abolished, a 70-80% tax rate will be put in place, and she will Defund the Police. America will become a WASTELAND!"

The Trump campaign swiftly released a list of around two dozen of VP Harris' far-left "values" that included everything mentioned by Trump along with things like abolishing ICE, voting rights for violent convicts, packing the Supreme Court, unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions, reparations for slavery, taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries, and even banning plastic straws and red meat consumption, among others.

Kamala hasn't changed

The Trump campaign was not finished, however, as Deputy Director of Communications Dylan Johnson issued a news release that confirmed the truth that VP Harris' previously espoused leftist "values" were still the same today as they were five years ago during her initial failed bid for the presidency.

"Kamala says her values haven't changed. She's not wrong," Johnson said. "She still believes in mass amnesty for millions of unvetted illegals, ending cash bail, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, raising money to bail violent criminals out of jail, banning fracking, abolishing private health insurance, and banning gas-powered vehicles."

"Kamala isn't changing her values -- she's just lying about them," he added.

Harris, with ample help from an allied mainstream media, has sought to portray herself over the past month as a sort of moderate centrist -- she's even stolen a few proposals from her opponent Trump and claimed them as her own ideas -- but as the Post observed, she displayed her "true lefty colors" during that CNN interview and exposed herself as a partisan political fraud.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson