Harris urged to leave some of Biden's policy ideas behind

 September 4, 2024

When Joe Biden was the nominee, Kamala Harris lied to America by saying that she had seen enough out of the former president while working with him everyday to make her believe that he had enough gas left in the tank to run this country for another four years.

Since Kamala Harris has taken over the nomination, however, both she and the people around her seem to be trying to create a little distance between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris is realizing that America is trying to hold her accountable for not getting any of the great ideas she's spouting done during the 3.5 years she's been America's Vice President. As a result, Democrats are working hard to portray the failures of the Biden-Harris Administration as Biden's fault, not Kamala's.

Breaking from Biden

During a recent guest essay in the New York Times, political analyst and Democratic strategist James Carville called on Kamala Harris to separate herself from Joe Biden in order to brand herself as a new and exciting option, instead of just a part of the failures we've been seeing over the last few years.

"To be the certified fresh candidate, Ms. Harris must clearly and decisively break from Mr. Biden on a set of policy priorities she believes would define her presidency," Carville wrote.

It's no surprise that Carville wants Kamala Harris to break away from Joe Biden, Carville hasn't been a fan of Joe for quite some time. In fact, Carville was one of the first and most vocal Democrats to demand that Joe Biden step aside for the good of the country.

"In the Sept. 10 debate, Ms. Harris must enable exactly what his campaign is scared to death of: letting Trump be Trump," Carville wrote.

"She should let him talk over her," Carville continued. "Not just let him but goad him into spouting insane conspiracy theories about the previous election. She should use her sense of humor at key moments to get under his skin and show he’s not getting to her. And she should welcome the personal attacks as a badge of honor."

Kamala should 'embrace' her differences from Biden

Even liberals know that the Biden administration has been such a failure that Kamala Harris would be better suited to distance herself from the administration instead of taking credit for its accomplishments.

Carville outlined some of the ways he's hoping Kamala Harris can prove to the nation she's better than Joe Biden:

"Put out a broad list of ‘new way forward’ policies that detail why she is breaking from the sitting president on the given issues and what change would deliver to the American people. And after that rally, do a news conference on it, so media organizations stop cranking their clamshells about a lack of access. Don’t run from your differences with the president. Embrace them, respectfully and honestly."

Kamala Harris would be NOTHING without Joe Biden.

Even President Biden admitted when he selected Kamala that he wasn't going after the most qualified candidate, he was pursuing a BLACK WOMAN. So, the fact that Kamala Harris is now working so hard to distance herself from the person who gave her this opportunity shows just how brutal liberals can be.

Joe Biden was NOT a good president. Don't let Kamala Harris fool you into thinking she'd be any different.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson