Former White House press secretary was 'worried' about Biden after watching debate

 September 9, 2024

Earlier this year, many Democrats were quick to deny that President Joe Biden was suffering from cognitive decline despite his disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump.

Yet even Biden's one-time White House press secretary recently confessed that she was concerned for the president's health after seeing his performance. 

"Honestly, it was like, Is he OK?'"

According to the New York Post, that admission was made by former White House press secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki.

Psaki's remarks came this past weekend when she was speaking with The Atlantic contributor Mark Leibovich at the Texas Tribune Festival.

"Well, watching it, my first reaction was not, 'Oh my gosh, Trump is going to win the election,'" Psaki said when Leibovich asked her to recall the night in question.

"That was not my reaction. I care about him as a human being. And my first reaction was, I do care about him a lot, was like, 'Is he OK?'" she explained.

"Honestly, it was like, Is he OK?' And I don’t say that because I was feeling like I was going to go on Twitter and be alarmist, but I care for him as a person," Paski stressed. "I was worried about him as a person."

Harris regularly dismissed concerns about president's health

Meanwhile, questions are emerging over whether Vice President Kamala Harris played a role in concealing Biden's problems from the public.

Fox News reported earlier this month that a YouGov poll found most registered voters think Harris knew the president was struggling mentally.

What's more, the network noted in July that the vice president had spent the better part of a year "shooting down concerns" over her boss' health.

This included telling The New York Times last November that Biden  is "absolutely authoritative" during White House meetings.

Those who hid Biden's issues had "something personal to gain"

Judy Gaman serves as CEO of Executive Medicine of Texas, and she told Fox News that those close to Biden were either "in denial" about his condition or "bear the thought" of him no longer being president.

"Ask any family who has dealt with Alzheimer’s, dementia or Parkinson’s, and they will tell you that what we are seeing play out [here] is classic with most families who face this," Gaman explained.

"Remember, everyone rallying around Biden and covering up the truth has something personal to gain by him continuing to hold office," she pointed out.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson