State senator forced chief of staff to perform adult acts that left him with back and hip injuries

 September 10, 2024

California state Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil's former chief of staff is speaking out. If his allegations are proven to be true, this could be one of the sickest political scandals in recent memory.

Chad Condit alleges that as part of a "quid pro quo relationship," Alvarado-Gil forced him to perform "sexual favors for her while she was his boss that left him riddled with back and hip injuries."

Marie Alvarado-Gil is a longtime Democrat who recently switched her allegiance to the Republican Party. Once she did, Chad Condit came forward with his accusations.

According to, "the married aide claims he relented and performed the acts on his boss over the years as part of a 'sex-based quid pro quo relationship' in order to protect his job, according to the suit filed in Sacramento Superior Court."

Condit alleges a carload of back problems

Chad Condit is claiming that it's the last time he hooked up with Marie Alvarado-Gil that caused him the most problems.

According to court papers:

"On their final encounter, Condit alleges, he suffered a debilitating back injury while having to 'twist and contort' as he performed oral sex on the senator in a car — leaving him with three herniated discs and a collapsed hip. The staffer claims he started using his back injury as an excuse to reject Alvarado-Gil’s advances in August last year but she allegedly retaliated and handed him a disciplinary letter with accusations of inappropriate behavior leveled against him."

Condit claims that he was fired as a result of making it "clear that the sexual advances were no longer welcome and that he was undergoing back surgery."

"This was a sex-based quid pro quo relationship of unwelcome advances and sexual behaviors coupled with punishment and flexing of power," the suit alleges.

"Erratic and controlling"

To say that the lawsuit so far has painted an unflattering picture of Alvarado-Gil would be a pretty serious understatement. According to the New York Post, "Alvarado-Gil is portrayed in the suit as an 'erratic' and 'controlling' boss who allegedly inflicted a 'sexually dominating abuse of authority and power' over the aide."

Alvarado-Gil's team is refuting the allegations, calling Condit a "disgruntled former employee."

"A disgruntled former employee has fabricated an outlandish story, presented without evidence, to get a payday," a lawyer for Alvarado-Gil said. "We expect that the senator will be fully cleared of any wrongdoing of these bogus, financially motivated claims."

We have limited information so far, but who do you believe at this point in the story?

Regardless of who's right and who's wrong in this specific instance, let's pray that American politics is able to rid itself of these kinds of allegations and corruption sooner rather than later!

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Thomas Jefferson