DANIEL VAUGHAN: Three Assassination Attempts Later Democrats Won't Stop Awful Trump Attacks

 September 23, 2024

Prosecutors revealed the obvious this week: the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump was fully premeditated. He wrote a letter taking full responsibility and offered to pay anyone else to finish the job. The note, admission, and evidence all tell us that we're in a dangerous situation where Donald Trump is an open target in this country, and it's unclear if our top agencies take that seriously.

Asked about the prosecutors releasing the note, former Attorney General Bill Barr was stunned. He questioned whether the DOJ was encouraging copycats. Barr said, "I was dumbfounded that the DOJ made public this morning the contents of the letter that Ryan Routh left with an acquaintance prior to the attempted assassination of former President Trump."

He continued, "The letter calls on people to 'finish the job' of killing President Trump, attempts to rouse people in incendiary terms to do so, and offers $150,000 to anyone who succeeds. There was no apparent justification for releasing this information at this stage ... Even if the DOJ thought it important to provide the letter to the court, it could have redacted inflammatory material or arranged to have the letter submitted under seal. It was rash to put out this letter in the midst of an election during which two attempts on the life of President Trump had been made."

His final thought was most sobering: "It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence."

The shooter was an extremist who bought every extreme statement the Democratic Party says about Donald Trump. And he's offering cash to finish the job, airing any of that out at a moment when extremism is ramping up is irresponsible.

Members of Congress are reporting that they know there are five other assassination plots against Trump. In official reports and testimony, the Secret Service admits that it has had severe lapses in its capacity to protect Trump (or anyone, for that matter). So, while prosecutors are working on sentencing this guy for an assassination attempt, that is by far the least important issue.

The Biden administration is stonewalling attempts by Congress to get to the bottom of the issue with the Secret Service. That's not my opinion or Republicans, it's what Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut believes.

We need answers because the assassination attempts aren't stopping, we've already stopped a third attempt on Trump's life.

A man connected to Iran's military was arrested in connection with a third attempt on Trump's life. Senate whistleblowers revealed the target was Trump, and the man arrested was authorized to pay up to a million dollars for anyone willing to complete any assassination attempt.

That gives us three attempts on Trump's life. And we aren't including things like the man arrested in Alaska who donated to Democrats and sought to kill all six Supreme Court justices nominated by Republicans.

America, as a country, is dodging metaphorical bullets like Neo in The Matrix when it comes to political assassinations. We're fortunate that Trump was only mildly injured with the bullet going through the top of his ear. We're even more fortunate these other attempts are getting foiled before anything happens.

Even with all of this, no one in the Democratic Party is interested in lowering the temperature. Nowhere is there even the slightest acknowledgment that constantly telling people Donald Trump is an existential threat to the republic has meaning. They pretend nothing is their fault - despite multiple arrests of Democrats trying to murder Trump.

We need an immediate cooling of the temperature in our politics. We're not getting that, and so we're going to continue to see these attempts on Trump's life, unfortunately. And because that's the case, we need the Secret Service beefed up far beyond what they believe is necessary.

It's good to see Congress moving in this direction, but it's an attempt to control the end result, not the causes of political assassinations. A serious set of statesmen would seek to blunt the continuation of all these assassination attempts by telling everyone the language being used was wrong.

Doing that would require Democrats to say Donald Trump is not a threat and he should not be assassinated. Democrats are willing to say violence isn't the answer, but they stop there. They want to have their cake and eat it, too, when it comes to Donald Trump.

The moment we're requires more than that. Two men are in jail trying to kill Trump, and Secret Service snipers killed the third in Pennsylvania. What more will it take for the Democratic Party to step up and stop this nonsense? It should have stopped months ago, three assassination attempts later, and they won't stop. It's hard to avoid the obvious conclusions from that. 

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson