RFK Jr. petitioning Supreme Court to keep him on NY ballot despite Trump backing

 September 25, 2024

On Monday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. submitted a petition to the Supreme Court requesting that his name be preserved on the presidential ballot in the state of New York.

This request comes despite the fact that he had suspended his campaign in August and supported former President Donald Trump, as CBS reported.

Kennedy stated in an emergency appeal that New York voters who signed petitions supporting him "have a constitutional right to have Kennedy placed on the ballot – and to vote for him, regardless of whether he is campaigning for their vote or not."

The Appeal

Kennedy's appeal was filed immediately after the petitions were signed. During the month of August, Kennedy pledged to remove his name off the ballot in a few battleground states while simultaneously encouraging supporters in non-competitive areas that have typically been won by Republicans or Democrats to vote for Trump.

Kennedy's presidential campaign was terminated, and he endorsed Trump. Nevertheless, in the weeks that have passed since he withdrew from the campaign, Kennedy has made more direct appeals to his followers, urging them to support Trump regardless of where they live.

In addition, he has removed his name from the ballot in a number of states that are overwhelmingly Republican.

From Kennedy

“A lot of people are asking me, if they live in a red state or a blue state, should they still vote for me? What about swing states?,” Kennedy wrote in a fundraising email earlier this month.

“The answer is easy. No matter what state you live in, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump. The reason is that is the only way we can get me and everything I stand for into Washington DC and fulfill the mission that motivated my campaign.”

According to election officials, Kennedy's nomination petition contained an invalid address, which resulted in his removal from the New York ballot.

His efforts to contest that decision have been rejected by lower courts, such as the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals.

Second Time Around

The Supreme Court has heard two presidential ballot access appeals in the past few weeks, highlighting the influence that independent and third party candidates can have in close elections.

The Green Party's urgent bid to get presidential candidate Jill Stein's name included on the Nevada ballot was rejected by the Supreme Court on Friday.

The 2nd Circuit's emergency appeals judge, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, received Kennedy's request.

By Wednesday afternoon, Sotomayor had asked that the state of New York's election officials respond.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson