Liberal author says Biden should 'dissolve' Supreme Court, calling it Trump's 'harem'

 October 2, 2024

Liberal author Fran Leibowitz went on a tear against the current Supreme Court during a recent appearance on Bill Maher's "Real Time," calling on President Joe Biden to "dissolve" the high court before he leaves office.

"It’s so disgraceful, this court, that it shouldn’t even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court," she said. "It isn’t. It’s an insult to Motown to call it the Supreme Court. It’s not even a court… basically, it's a harem. It's Trump's harem."

"When they passed that law, that ruling, where they said ‘you’re not the president, you're the king,’ which is what that ruling is, you can do whatever you want, you can never be held responsible, I thought, ‘You know, Biden is still the president. No one seems to notice,'" she said. "But I think Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court."

Are you serious?

Maher didn't really seem to take Leibowitz all that seriously.

First he said "dissolve the Supreme Court? Come on."

"I’m the president, I’m the king now, like you said, and go home,'" Lebowitz replied, referring to the court's recent ruling that presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution.

"Okay. Good to see you’re centrist," he said sarcastically and then changed the topic.

A misinterpretation

Leibowitz was misinterpreting the court's ruling--in no way did the court say presidents could do "anything" without repercussions.

Of course, presidents can be impeached, and if they break the law outside their official acts, they could still be charged with crimes.

Her overgeneralizing is a knee-jerk reaction to rulings by the conservative court that liberals haven't liked, including overturning Roe v. Wade, which gave women federal abortion rights.

Liberals have tried everything to delegitimize and even dismantle the court because they know many of their attempts at radical left policies won't stand with the court in place and having a solidly conservative majority.

Progressivism continues to be checked by the court, and its makeup will take years if not decades to reshape, depending on who is elected president and the makeup of Congress.

Biden has called for term limits on Supreme Court justices and other reforms, but will not be able to make them happen either in Congress or as constitutional amendments, with the current makeup of state and federal power.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson