'I got sucked in': Tim Walz says he wasted time attacking Trump over Springfield Ohio migrant comments

 February 28, 2025

Failed Democrat vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said on a podcast on Wednesday that he regrets wasting time attacking President Donald Trump for his comments about migrants in Springfield, Ohio during the campaign.

Trump said while debating former Vice President Kamala Harris that migrants were “eating the dogs … the cats … the pets” of Springfield residents after hearing reports from some that this was the case.

Walz said on “Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast” that he now believes he wasted the "three or four" days he spent mocking Trump for the comments.

“I will kick myself that I got sucked in. I bet you I spent three or four days, maybe longer, not clowning, but just hammering them over the eating dogs and cats because it was so ridiculous,” Walz said. “And I took that hook, line and sinker. We were talking about immigration at a critical part of the campaign. And it was hurtful. And it pissed me off. And I was standing there to defend people. And it didn’t do a damn bit of good electorally.”


Walz started the attacks at a September 12 rally in Michigan.

The crowd liked it and started a chant at the time, but it may have been too much preaching to the choir.

“It would be funnier too if it wasn’t so dangerous,” Walz said at the time.

Turns out the public in general felt that reports of migrants invading towns in large numbers were more dangerous than an offhand comment from Trump about them eating people's cats and dogs.

The facts

Here is some footage from a Springfield City Commission meeting where a man talked about migrants grabbing ducks from a nearby pond and eating them, as well as other residents talking about other problems caused by the migrants.

Approximately 25% of the town's population is now migrants, many of them Haitian.

The migrants may or may not be in the country on temporary protected status because of the terrible conditions in their native Haiti, according to media outlets.

And while the report of a migrant eating a cat didn't turn out to be accurate, the argument ended up being eclipsed by the larger narrative of illegal immigration and the problems it is causing in the country.

It's a step in the right direction for Walz to recognize this, but the Democrat party has a long way to go to get back in touch with the American people on this issue.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson