DANIEL VAUGHAN: It's Time For Biden To Step Down - Democrats Agree

 June 28, 2024

Joe Biden just delivered the worst Presidential debate performance in United States history. Here's how I know this: after the debate performance, the 25th Amendment was trending on X/Twitter, and Democrats are looking for ways to replace Biden ahead of the convention. For Democrats, it's DEFCON 1.

Within a few hours of the debate ending, Nicholas Kristof's column in The New York Times called for Biden to step down. The headline was: "Mr. President, I've Seen Enough."

Kristof wrote, "My phone has been blowing up with texts from people saying, as one put it: "Dear God. What are we going to do?" Another, also a fan of Biden, texted: "It's imperative we change horses." But Democrats have been reluctant to say this out loud and undermine Biden. So it will be up to Joe and Jill Biden to make this choice themselves."

On ABC News, Jonathan Karl told David Muir, "You are starting to hear, privately, discussions among Democrats about whether Biden can go on with this campaign."

Politico's lead piece said much the same: "Democrats consider the unthinkable: It's time for Biden to go. Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they were bombarded with text messages."

Politico talked with the strategists to Democrats who were looking to make it to the White House eventually. "Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates and granted anonymity to speak freely said they had been bombarded with text messages throughout the debate. One adviser said they received pleas for their candidate to step forward as an alternative to Biden."

A major Democratic donor and Biden ally added, "[It's] time for the president to end his campaign. This person described Biden's night as "the worst performance in history" and said Biden was so "bad that no one will pay attention to Trump's lies."

The night of the debate, Vox two stories about Biden needing to step down. The Atlantic did the sameThe Washington Post summed it up as "The Great Democratic Freakout Is Upon Us."

The press is backing a full-blown retreat from Joe Biden. Where we go from there is a little more vague in details. However, Democrats are settling on the idea that Biden cannot be the answer.

How hard they push that cart is a difficult question. We're 53 days away from the Democratic Convention in Chicago. That event was already set up to be a major clash with anti-Israel protestors desiring to make it like the disaster that was in 1968.

That essence is going to get ramped up even further now. If Democrats have to replace the top of their President at the convention, it will trigger a crisis in the Democratic Party, the likes of which we have not seen in a generation. You really do have to go back to 1968 and the abysmal implosion of Lyndon B. Johnson's Presidency.

When Johnson stepped aside, it triggered a full-blown meltdown. LBJ could only watch from a distance as his unpopularity over the Vietnam War, the collapse of the Great Society, and more were on full display.

Biden's collapse is worse than Johnson's. He's polling worse than Carter or LBJ at this point in his Presidency. His age and mental capacity prevent him from being able to defend himself competently. Biden is trying to survive on sheer inertia to make it to the November election. The problem is that he's self-inflicted so many obstacles and mistakes that his momentum is not only stalled, but his campaign is dead in the water.

His debate performance was so bad that we're seriously debating the merits of how Democrats could remove him. This is not some Republican conspiracy where Ted Cruz and others are referencing Michelle Obama running to the rescue. Democrats are openly discussing how to change their trajectory because Donald Trump is winning this race.

Every rumor you've heard about someone replacing Biden is about to go live once again. Michelle Obama? I know she rejected it and didn't want it, but the pressure will get cranked to eleven, and the knob ripped off now. Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom are on deck, too. Democratic politics got flipped on its head with one debate performance, and there's no going back.

The only feasible way to replace Biden is for him to step down. That's why all these media think pieces are coming out, demanding just that to happen. These pieces are speaking to both Biden and his staff. They're trying to create an immediate pressure campaign to force the President into a singular choice.

If that happens, it's impossible to tell where we go from there. Politically, if Democrats shove Kamala Harris aside, they will rip apart their traditional voting block. Gavin Newsom is so universally hated outside California that only Democrats believe he's viable.

But if you're a Democrat with a pipe dream savior to replace Biden, your time is now. Everyone is listening. Operation Remove Biden is a GO.

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