
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Congress Should Demand Joe Biden's Medical Records
It's time for Congress to step in regarding President Biden's health. The debate was a disturbing example of the current…
Former federal prosecutor says Supreme Court ruling 'is great news' for Trump
Special Counsel Jack Smith won applause from Democrats last year for indicting former President Donald Trump on charges related to his…
Bill Clinton defends Joe Biden following awful debate performance
President Joe Biden's abysmal performance during last week's debate with former President Donald Trump has some Democrats suggesting that their…
Social media analysis shows widespread criticism of Alvin Bragg
While Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg managed to convict former President Donald Trump of falsifying business records, George Washington University…
Left-Wing world politics suffers major blow with death of Senator
It's not been a good week for liberals around the globe. First, Donald Trump absolutely DESTROYED Joe Biden in America's…
Rep. Chip Roy calls on VP Harris to use 25th Amendment to remove Biden
President Joe Biden's debate performance stirred up calls from all over for the 81-year-old president to drop out of the…
French President Emmanuel Macron calls snap elections in significant political gamble
Something of a political shift has taken hold across Europe in recent weeks, and it now appears that France may…
Review of online commentary about DA Bragg finds majority are negative and critical of his policies and Trump prosecution
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been hailed as a hero by many on the ideological left for his progressive…
Supreme Court issues major ruling to overturn Chevron deference doctrine that empowered federal regulatory agencies
The Supreme Court on Friday issued what is arguably its most consequential and far-reaching decision in decades in that it…
Biden campaign rejects Trump's challenge for a pre-debate drug test for both candidates
It has long been rumored that President Joe Biden is given by his handlers some sort of performance-enhancing drug or…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson