
Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit over social media censorship
In a case that was widely expected to have major First Amendment implications, the attorneys general of Missouri and other…
Biden campaign chair admits that Florida is no longer a battleground state
Most polls suggest that President Joe Biden is struggling, with a survey aggregate published by Real Clear Politics putting his…
Leftist progressive 'Squad' member Rep. Jamaal Bowman crushed by moderate challenger in New York Democratic primary
Over the past few election cycles, the far-left progressive "Squad" formed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her like-minded leftist…
Biden issues blanket pardon for thousands of military veterans previously convicted for LGBT identity and orientation
It is not uncommon for a president, especially in an election year, to use their executive authority to grant clemency…
D.C. Court of Appeals suspends Hunter Biden's law license following felony conviction in Delaware
First son Hunter Biden was convicted earlier this month on a trio of federal firearm felonies related to his lying…
Supreme Court rules 6-3 in favor of Biden admin in social media censorship case
In a lawsuit filed by two states and several individuals, President Joe Biden's administration and White House were accused of…
Special Counsel Smith insists 'no bad faith' in admitted mishandling of evidence seized from Mar-a-Lago raid
After Special Counsel Jack Smith's office admitted last month that federal investigators mishandled some of the documents seized as evidence…
Trump's former CIA officials knew about the false Hunter Biden laptop statement ahead of its publishing
A bombshell revelation regarding the dozens of former intelligence agents who swore in a statement that Hunter Biden's laptop was…
Trump's House allies want language in spending bill that would defund Jack Smith
There was a time when Special Counsel Jack Smith had nothing short a slam dunk against former President Donald Trump. …
Swing state 'deciders' trust Trump over Biden to protect America from 'threats to democracy'
President Joe Biden's campaign is struggling, there's no doubt about it at this point. The poll numbers tell a shockingly…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson