
Supreme Court makes sudden change to its schedule - no decision for Trump yet
A surprise change in the Supreme Court schedule has political pundits on pins and needles, waiting for what the nation's…
Republicans move to hold Biden's ghostwriter in contempt
House Republicans voted to hold Joe Biden's ghostwriter in contempt of Congress, escalating a standoff with Biden over classified information.…
'The Squad' takes first major loss with ouster of Jamaal Bowman
Socialist Democrat Jamaal Bowman, a member of the so-called "Squad," is out of a job after losing an expensive primary…
Democrats attempting to keep RFK Jr. off ballot in multiple states as Biden struggles
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has run one of the most successful independent political campaigns in decades, with several recent polls…
Report suggest Rep. Cori Bush may be forced out in primary challenge
This week saw far-left New York Democrat and Squad member Jamal Bowman lose his primary race against Westchester County Executive…
Idaho abortion case document 'inadvertently' posted on SCOTUS website ahead of decision's release
In a bizarre echo of a similar incident in 2022, Wednesday saw the leak of a highly anticipated opinion from…
FBI searched Barron Trump's room during 'overly broad' raid: lawyer
The FBI searched Barron Trump's room during the raid of Mar-A-Lago two summers ago, lawyers for his father confirmed. During…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: It's Time For Biden To Step Down - Democrats Agree
Joe Biden just delivered the worst Presidential debate performance in United States history. Here's how I know this: after the…
Staffer at U.S. embassy in Ukraine found dead on Tuesday
According to Newsweek, a staff member at the United States' embassy in Ukraine was found dead earlier this week.  The…
House Republicans attempt to reinstate Trump-era sanctions on China
Voice of America reported in 2020 that the Trump administration imposed sanctions on multiple Chinese companies and other institutions in…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson