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Trump leads Biden with independents: poll
Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden among independent voters, a new Cygnal poll found - the latest signal that Trump…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Disney's Sinking Woke Ship
When it launched, Disney+ was one of the most anticipated streaming services on the market. Boasting the combined forces of…
Bush, Guantanamo and the Rule of Law
Last week, the government announced that it does not want to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four of his colleagues…
Joe Biden, Dylan Mulvaney and the Collapse of the West
This week, President Joe Biden held an interview with a TikTok influencer named Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a man —…
Alex Jones and the Freedom of Speech
"Congress shall make no law abridging ... the freedom of speech." — First Amendment to the Constitution The iconic language…
The Race-Obsessed L.A. City Council
In a leaked tape, three members of the all-Democrat (plus one independent) Los Angeles City Council, along with a labor…
American Democracy Isn't in Peril -- So Long as Americans Talk to Each Other
American democracy, we have been told, is in grave peril. It's a perspective we hear echoed dozens of times per…
The Attack on Joe Rogan Is an Attack on Dissent
Joe Rogan must be stopped. This is the consensus from all of the wisest and most compassionate voices in our…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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