Ashley Biden's secret lover was a 'barely educated' violent junkie who spent six years in prisons and died from drug overdose

 June 10, 2024 reported that Ashley Biden had a turbulent relationship with a violent addict who terrorized his family and stole from friends before passing away from a drug overdose. 

The 42-year-old daughter of the President, who supported her half-brother Hunter in a Delaware court on Monday, lauded Eric Dengler's "style and swag," as the Daily Mail reported.

This assessment came after the now first daughter fell in love with him while he was in treatment and noting in her journal that "he is a great kisser" as well as being charming and soothing.

From the Source

In her diary, Ashley writes about how she had "sex with friends @ a young age" and how she was always "boy crazy." While in recovery, she wrote about having affairs with two men.

"I don't know if I even need to kiss a guy – just come over and f*** me – sober," she writes at one point.

She also outlined a relationship with Dengler, saying he was a "surfer- not highly educated-barely knows his grammar/but he does know how to love."

But the 6ft 6in con's former victims remember him as a brazen criminal who spent a total of six years in Florida prisons for robbery, drug trafficking and theft.

His Victims Thoughts

One former acquaintance asserted that he was solely concerned with surfing and getting drunk and that he posed a threat to both himself and others.

Dengler's lifestyle ultimately led to his death in April of last year, when he was discovered dead at the age of 39. He had reportedly overdosed on a combination of morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl.

The other partner outlined in her diary was a wealthy, married businessman who she identified as "Kevin."

The Relationship

In 2019, Ashley engaged in a physical relationship with the men while she was receiving treatment for drug and sex addiction at a rehabilitation facility in Boca Raton, Florida.

In a diary that was subsequently seized from a residence in Florida where the First Daughter was residing and has since been published online, she described the flings.

In 2004, Dengler, who resided in Stuart, Florida, was sentenced to a four-year prison term for trafficking in illegal narcotics at the age of 21.

Ashley, the sole child of Joe and Jill Biden, has verified the authenticity of the tell-all book in a court filing.

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Thomas Jefferson