Biden approval worst ever with key demographics slipping

 September 26, 2023

President Joe Biden's disapproval rating has reached the highest number it has ever been during his presidency in at least two polls this week, and he is slipping in key voting demographics. 

An NBC poll showed a disapproval rate of 56%, with 72% of Americans saying they are "dissatisfied" with the economy under Biden.

According to the poll, 41% said they approved of Biden, but younger voters age 18 to 24, Latinos and independents are approving of the president less and less.

Needed numbers slipping

Only 46% of the youngest voting demographic approved of Biden; 43% of Latinos and 36% of independents agreed. Additionally, his approval with Black voters dropped 17 points since he took office.

An even more concerning number is the 74% that are seriously concerned about Biden's age--he is already the oldest serving president in history at 80 years old and would be 86 by the end of a second term.

Looking at a hypothetical matchup between GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Biden, the two are tied at 46% in the poll. When unnamed third-party candidates are added into the mix, the numbers change to 39% Trump, 36% Biden.

Other GOP candidates

It should be noted that at least two other presidential candidates are in striking range of Biden in the poll.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is just one point behind Biden at 45%, well within the poll's margin of error.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was five points ahead of Biden in the poll, 46% to 41%. This is probably outside the poll's margin of error, and it doesn't make sense given that among GOP voters, Haley generally polls at under 10%.

What will happen?

The GOP should really take into consideration these results, given that Trump could see a huge defection if he is convicted on any of the 91 charges he is currently facing in four separate indictments.

So far, the indictments have only seemed to help his polling numbers as GOP voters react in indignation, but polling suggests that if he fails to beat the indictments, his support could fall.

It would be sad if the country were forced to choose between a corrupt, dementia-ridden president and an incarcerated one--surely we can do better than that before November 2024.

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