Biden campaign chair admits that Florida is no longer a battleground state

 June 27, 2024

Most polls suggest that President Joe Biden is struggling, with a survey aggregate published by Real Clear Politics putting his 1.5% behind former President Donald Trump in the national popular vote.

Evidence of those difficulties could be seen this past weekend when the chair of Biden's campaign admitted that Florida has been all but written off. 

Florida no longer seen as a battleground state

According to Breitbart, Jen O’Malley Dillon made that admission during an interview on Sunday with Puck News contributor John Heilemann.

Dillon acknowledged that Florida is regarded as being beyond the president's reach after describing North Carolina as a more realistic target.

The campaign chairwoman further suggested that flipping North Carolina may be an easier task for Biden than holding on to Nevada will be.

Campaign chairwoman calls Nevada a "very low-information" state

"Nevada has always been an extremely tough state," Dillon stated. "Of all the battlegrounds that Democrats have won very consistently, it’s probably the hardest of them all. It closes late. It is very low-information."

"Some of the issues that we all saw across the whole country during Covid, like the economy and housing, were issues [in Nevada] well before then. And so I actually think there’s a lot of work we always tend to put in late into Nevada," she added.

Dillon's comments regarding Florida did not go over well with many Democrats, including former Obama spokesperson Kevin Cate.

"Not a lot of staffers, consultants, or organizers are in a position to say it, but this was such an unnecessary, demoralizing gut punch," Cate wrote in a social media post.

"To all [Florida Democrats] busting it on local or statewide races, never, ever give in. Keep fighting. Keep organizing. And one day, we will flip it," he stressed.

Biden campaign walks back Florida comments

Breitbart noted that the Biden campaign quickly walked back Dillon's message on Florida, with its battleground states director Dan Kanninen telling the Orlando Sentinel that the Sunshine State "is absolutely in play."

“We’ll have a presence in all the major markets in Florida. Unlike [former President Donald] Trump, who is not investing in this state, we have a strong team of leaders on the ground who are building organizing teams," he continued.

This is said to include 28 full-time staff members along with political and communications directors as well as 13 offices in key cities.

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