Biden DOJ sentences 75-year-old woman to 2 years in prison over anti-abortion protest

 June 3, 2024

Joe Biden's Department of Justice has sentenced a 75-year-old Catholic woman to two years in prison for blocking an abortion clinic.

Paulette Harlow is the last person to be sentenced over her role in a livestreamed October 2020 protest at an abortion facility in Washington, D.C.

Nine others have been convicted or have pled guilty in the case, which was brought under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act along with federal "conspiracy against rights" charges.

The Biden Justice Department has vigorously enforced the FACE Act against conservatives and pro-lifers, leading to accusations of selective prosecution.

Biden, who is Catholic, has made championing abortion a key part of his re-election campaign.

DOJ sentences 75-year-old

The harsh sentence came despite the pleas of Harlow's husband, John, who told the court he fears his wife is "dying."

"I feel like Paulette is dying. In my heart, I think she’s having a hard time staying alive," he said.

Harlow was convicted in November and has been under house arrest because of health problems that require her to use a wheelchair.

During her house arrest, Harlow's requests to attend Mass have been denied by the government.


A nurse was injured during the blockade, which the DOJ described as an "invasion." Biden has avoided using such language to characterize the massive influx of migrants at the southern border.

Harlow, of Massachusetts, and nine others "traveled from northeast and midwestern states to participate in the blockade," which involved making a fake appointment and using "chains and locks" to block an entryway.

“Today, the final defendant was sentenced in an elaborate conspiracy by 10 people to intentionally and forcibly block patients and workers from accessing a reproductive health clinic while streaming it live online,” said Assistant Director Michael Nordwall of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division.

Vindictive prosecution

The sentences range from 10 months to almost five years for the protest organizer, Lauren Handy.

Of course, all of the normal rules of justice have been discarded by the vindictive Biden regime.

Martin Cannon, senior counsel at the Thomas More Society and Handy’s attorney, said the conspiracy charges relieved the government's burden to prove its case against each individual, while raising the consequences for what would normally be treated like a misdemeanor.

“These people are peaceful,” Cannon told the Washington Examiner. “They’re going in there on a very important social issue, as to which half the country agrees with them, and half the country has outlawed abortion in one way or another. These aren’t monsters."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson