Biden-Harris Administration Obstructing House Investigation Into Collusion With Anti-Gun Group

 September 3, 2024

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee has accused the Biden-Harris administration of obstructing their probe into allegations of collusion between the ATF and an anti-gun group.

According to the Committee, Vice President Kamala Harris oversaw a White House office that alongside the ATF worked with an anti-gun group to target gun manufacturer, Glock Inc.

The group, Everytown for Gun Safety founded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, worked to bring a lawsuit by the city of Chicago against Glock, and the Biden-Harris administration has refused to comply with multiple investigative requests.

Multiple requests for information have been refused with the most recent deadline being on August 28th which was nearly a week ago.

Representative James Comer (R-KY) told Fox News, "The American people should be very concerned that, rather than prosecuting criminals, the Biden-Harris White House is colluding with anti-Second Amendment groups, and rather than responding to serious congressional requests with transparency, the White House is choosing to not comply with our request."

Obstructing Investigation

Harris comes directly into this story because back in September of last year, she was appointed by Biden to oversee the new office focused on gun control.

According to a White House press release, "The new Office of Gun Violence Prevention will be overseen by Vice President Harris, who has been a key leader in the Biden-Harris Administration’s effort to end our nation’s gun violence epidemic."

Comer pointed out that it is this very office that is refusing lawful information requests.

Comer continued saying, "The White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention, overseen by Vice President Harris, is stonewalling the Oversight Committee’s investigation into potential collusion by White House officials with anti-Second Amendment groups despite our multiple requests."

Comer believes that the White House has been communicating with Everytown for Gun Safety which is legally advising Chicago in its lawsuit against Glock.

To further raise concerns of collusion, Comer revealed that the ATF is using encrypted apps and text messages to communicate with officials in the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Encrypted Apps And Text Messages

The only reason the ATF would be communicating with the White House via encrypted apps and text messages is if they have something that needs to be kept off public records.

This is a troubling development that is reminiscent of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server in order to keep politically sensitive information away from Congress and the public.

Even if it turns out that there is no improper conduct between the White House and Everytown For Gun Safety, it's already clear that the Biden-Harris administration is using deceptive tactics in order to hide from Congress.

There needs to be serious consequences for both the obstruction of Congress's investigation as well as the use of encrypted apps in order to hide communications.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson