Biden slams Trump as a felon despite having voted not to impeach Bill Clinton

 June 9, 2024

After former President Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying business records, President Joe Biden slammed his predecessor as a felon who is unfit for office.

Yet as one columnist recently noted, Biden is on the list of those who once defended President Bill Clinton despite his own felonious behavior. 

Biden's new double standard "is hypocrisy, just politics, or both"

Gary Franks formerly served as a Republican congressman from Connecticut, and in an op-ed piece published by TribLive, he recalled how then-Sen. Biden "voted twice on the floor to allow Clinton to continue as president."

"Apparently, he had complete confidence in Clinton’s ability to serve," Franks wrote before adding that most of Biden's Democratic colleagues did so as well.

"Today President Biden is reversing his position as he claims former President Donald Trump is not fit for office as a felon. It is hypocrisy, just politics, or both," Franks asserted.

The columnist pointed out that "Clinton was the first president guilty of a felony, for perjury" while "Trump was the second president to be guilty of a felony, for falsifying business records."

Clinton scored "usual" deal to avoid criminal prosecution

Whereas Trump was found guilty by a jury, Clinton entered into what Slate magazine called an "usual" agreement under which Independent Counsel Robert Ray agreed not to bring an indictment in exchange for a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license and $25,000.

What's more, Franks highlighted the fact that Clinton enjoyed widespread popularity after leaving office, with his criminal conduct having "meant nothing."

However, the former lawmaker claims that Biden must nevertheless zero in on Trump's legal problems given he has little in the way of achievements to run on.

Columnist: Trump must remind "voters of his record and past achievements"

"Americans know what they feel," Franks stressed. "They live with inflation, high gas prices and the inability to buy a house due to high interest rates."

"Every day we wake up we are thankful, but would not be surprised if China invaded Taiwan, and if Russia used tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine," he observed.

In contrast,  Franks maintained that Trump "has united Republicans and has even caused some independents to think twice."

"I believe if Trump focuses on the issues and his vision and contrasts that with Biden's, while reminding voters of his record and past achievements, he will prevail," the columnist wrote as he drew to a close.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson