Bill and Hillary Clinton help Biden boost fundraising numbers at donor event in Virginia

 June 21, 2024

President Joe Biden has been struggling to effectively campaign for re-election to a second term and has relied heavily upon celebrities and big-name surrogates to do the heavy lifting for him.

That was evident on Tuesday when Biden enlisted the aid of former President Bill Clinton and failed 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to help raise funds for his campaign at an event in Virginia, according to the Associated Press.

The event was held at the home of former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally, and reportedly raised upwards of $8 million from several hundred wealthy donors and supporters who were in attendance.

Biden needs help from his Democratic friends

The AP reported that President Biden, despite steadfastly denying the accusations that the multiple criminal indictments against his rival, former President Donald Trump, are politically motivated, clearly politicized the ongoing prosecutions by repeatedly referring to Trump as a "convicted felon."

Hillary Clinton predictably joined in on the Trump-bashing and took several swipes at the man who defeated her expected ascendency to the presidency in 2016, while Bill Clinton told jokes, praised Biden, and thanked donors for entrusting the campaign with their money, which he assured them would be well spent.

First lady Jill Biden was also in attendance to speak to donors on behalf of her husband following her own separate fundraising swing in recent days that reportedly brought in about $1.5 million to the campaign's coffers.

Those funds from the first lady, in addition to the $8 million raised at McAuliffe's Virginia home, were combined with the more than $30 million raised on Saturday in Los Angeles, California, at a star-studded celebrity fundraiser event featuring former President Barack Obama and Biden, giving the president's campaign a roughly $40 million haul over a five-day period.

That $30 million Hollywood fundraiser beat the new record for a single event for a Democratic campaign that had just been set a few months earlier in March, according to an NBC News report at the time, when Biden was joined at Radio City Music Hall in New York City by both Clinton and Obama, who helped bring in an estimated $26+ million from a similarly celebrity-packed crowd.

Biden now trailing behind Trump on fundraising

The Biden campaign, with the help of his prominent surrogates, has indeed raised a massive amount of cash from Democratic donors, and up until just recently, the president enjoyed a substantial fundraising advantage over his Republican rival.

That all changed in April, according to The Hill, when the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee brought in a reported $76 million that outsized the reported $51 million raised that month by Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Whatever gap in fundraising may have remained after that was essentially erased in May when Trump and the RNC raised $141 million -- including more than $53 million in the 24 hours after his New York criminal conviction -- in comparison to the estimated $85 million raised in May by Biden and the DNC.

Now, per recent Federal Election Commission filings, the Trump campaign has a reported $171 million in cash on hand compared to $157 million in cash for Biden.

Biden still trailing in the polls

Meanwhile, as Trump has largely closed the fundraising gap between himself and Biden, the former president still leads the current incumbent in the RealClearPolling average of national polls, albeit only by around a half-point.

That seemingly small national lead within the margin of error for Trump doesn't tell the full story of Biden's apparent struggles, however, as RCP also shows that Biden led Trump by nearly 10 points at this same stage of the 2020 race as well as that Trump continues to maintain marginal to moderate leads over Biden in all of the most important battleground states that typically decide presidential elections.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson