Columnist says leaks show D.C. establishment turned on Biden once he was no longer useful

 September 1, 2024

Republicans have long complained that high-ranking officials within the federal government have worked to shield President Joe Biden and members of his family from scrutiny.

Yet according to one conservative columnist, those same actors seem ready to betray Biden now that he has outlived his usefulness.

Court filings show Hunter Biden received large sums from foreign actors

Breitbart contributor Wendell Husebø made that case in an article published on Saturday, pointing to three separate leaks as evidence.

In the first example, Husebø recalled how earlier this month, Special Counsel David Weiss asserted in a court filing that the younger Biden accepted some $3,101,258 from Romanian business partner Gabriel Popoviciu.

Weiss, who is prosecuting Biden in California on tax violations, alleged that the president's son was being paid to "influence U.S. government agencies."

What's more, Weiss maintains that Hunter Biden did not only receive cash from Popoviciu, as he was also paid large sums by CEFC China Energy Co. as well as the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma during and after his father's time as vice president.

Evidence points to FARA violations

Weiss wrote that "the evidence will show the defendant performed almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received from these entities."

This would appear to be a clear violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), an offense for which Hunter Biden has yet to be charged.

Husebø noted that this revelation came not long before the State Department put out a document which stated that Biden sought government help for Burisma after his father was made "point person" regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine.

Nor have the leaks been limited to material concerning Hunter Biden, as the Department of Justice announced two weeks ago that it had discovered some 117 pages of transcribed discussions between the president and his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

DOJ previously said transcripts could not be found

As Fox News noted, the transcripts were obtained via a lawsuit filed by the conservative watchdog group Oversight Project against the Department of Justice DOJ.

The transcripts were cited by Special Counsel Robert Hur as evidence that Biden is an "elderly man with a poor memory" who should thus not be prosecuted over his handling of classified material.

DOJ attorneys had previously stated in a court filing that the verbatim transcripts of the Zwonitzer-Biden conversation could not be found.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson