Congressman wants a committee to investigate Biden's mental state

 July 5, 2024

A damning Politico article published earlier this week quoted a White House aide as stating that staffers are deeply "are scared s--tless" over President Joe Biden's mental state.

That allegation along with Biden's terrible debate performance recently led Ohio Rep. Jim Banks to support an investigation into Biden's cognitive fitness.  

Fox News host recalls Biden's remarks about military deaths

"You know, Congressman Banks, you served in Afghanistan," Breitbart quoted Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany as saying to Banks on Wednesday evening.

"You were in the Navy. And when I read a Politico report yesterday that aides are scared bleep-less of Biden and then I read about this cover-up, New York magazine calls it a lie," she continued

"I immediately think about the 13 fallen soldiers in Afghanistan. Biden's decision-making in Afghanistan," the host remarked.

"Was he with it?" McEnany  asked. "Were lives lost because he did not come forward, and aides were not truthful. Should there be a Select Committee on Biden's mental health?"

Banks calls Biden's health "the biggest cover-up in American history"

"Yes, Kayleigh, I’m all for it," Banks said in response. "Remember, in the debate last Thursday, Joe Biden said that no, no soldier had lost their life on his watch."

"And that was a complete and utter lie, because either he forgot the 13 heroes who died because of the foolish decisions of — by himself and his administration or he — or he — either he forgot that or he's trying to cover it up and lie to the American people once again."

Banks was referring to the 13 American military personnel who died in a suicide bombing outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul's airport during Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"So, I’m for a Select Committee. I'm for any effort by Congress to hold this administration, this President and the media accountable for the biggest cover-up in American history," the stated.

"He is unfit to be president"

"They all know this man is senile. He's unfit to be the president," Banks continued before adding, "I want to know who's been making decisions over the last three and a half years."

Banks asserted that those decisions have "led to the suffering of the American people and that has emboldened our biggest enemies around the globe."

As he drew to a close, the congressman alleged that "we have the weakest and most senile commander-in-chief that we’ve ever had in American history in the White House."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson