Crypto moguls Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss announce major donation to Trump

 June 21, 2024

Fox News reported that former President Donald Trump enjoyed major success when it came to collecting cash last month, taking in a combined total of $141 million for his campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC).

While much of that figure came in the form of small-dollar donations, Trump was handed another fundraising win this week from crypto moguls Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss.

"The Biden Administration has consistently attacked American business"

According to Breitbart, Tyler Winklevoss revealed in a post to X on Thursday that he is donating $1 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC) to Trump.

"The Biden Administration has consistently attacked American business across the board and villainized its greatest heroes. The crime is always success and the reward is always ridicule, fines, and even more red tape," Winklevoss complained.

"President Donald J. Trump is the pro-Bitcoin, pro-crypto, and pro-business choice. This is not even remotely open for debate," the cryptocurrency exchange co-founder insisted.

"Anyone who tells you otherwise is severely misinformed, delusional, or not telling the truth. It's time to take our country back," he declared.

Cameron Winklevoss matches brother's donation

"It’s time for the crypto army to send a message to Washington. That attacking us is political suicide. This is why I will be casting my vote for President Trump in November and I hope you will too. Onward!" Winklevoss concluded.

Meanwhile, Tyler Winklevoss' brother, Cameron Winklevoss, also spoke up in a social media post of his own, writing, "I also just donated $1 million in bitcoin (15.47 BTC) to [Donald Trump] and will be voting for him in November."

Cameron Winklevoss agreed that the former president supports Bitcoin and private business in general, adding that Trump "will put an end to the Biden Administration's war on crypto."

The Winklevoss twins' aren't the first major tech figures to pledge their support for Trump, as Silicon Valley executive Jacob Helberg has done so as well.

Helberg donated to Biden in 2020

Breitbart reported earlier this week that Helberg is now contributing to Trump's campaign despite having contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Joe Biden in 2020.

"Part of what we have seen over the last four years I came from a one-party state and like a lot of people in California and in Silicon Valley, I saw the Democratic Party get hijacked by the Squad and woke theology," Helberg was quoted as telling Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo.

"President Biden campaigned as a moderate and ultimately has governed as a radical progressive," Helberg lamented.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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