Democratic Rhode Island senator arrested for driving under the influence
A Democratic senator for the state of Rhode Island has been caught stumbling over his words on camera after he was pulled over.
According to the Daily Mail, "Progressive state Rep. Enrique Sanchez, 28, was pulled over in the early morning hours of February 3, after allegedly parking his car in an intersection in Cranston, Rhode Island."
Police officers said they became suspicious of Sanchez after he remained parked at a red light even after it had turned green, the Rhode Island Current reported.
"You reek"
As if the police officers hadn't already noticed enough red flags, when they asked Sanchez for his driver's license, he handed over a debit card instead.
Officers indicated that despite Sanchez insisting he hadn't been drinking, he "seemed confused."
Officer Chavelle Lopez wrote in her arrest report that she could smell "a heavy odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath" and that Sanchez had "bloodshot watery eyes."
A second officer, Austin Smith, didn't mince words when speaking with the state senator: "You reek of booze," Smith said.
"How much you drink?" Smith asked Sanchez in the footage. "You reek of booze, just be honest. You smell like alcohol."
Sanchez was clearly intoxicated on the bodycam footage, and he made it even more obvious when he took his mugshot with his eyes closed.
The stop
While Sanchez wasn't necessarily out of control or violent during his stop, he wasn't helping his cause either.
Sanchez told officers he was "trying to hop on the highway," a route the cops said didn't make sense given his supposed departure and destination locations.
Despite denying he had been drinking at all, Sanchez did admit that he had been taking Adderall, which he said "impacts his mental health and his driving," according to the police report.
Sanchez was also caught repeatedly stuffing his hands in his pockets despite the officers giving multiple orders for him to keep them visible. It's standard protocol that people should keep their hands where officers can see them, and it's hard to know how Sanchez would have been treated after disobeying orders if it weren't for his lawmaker status. When officers tried to get Sanchez to take a field sobriety test, he suggested ordering an Uber instead.
"If I request to do so, can I order Uber?" Sanchez asked.
"You can say 'no' to the test, but you're not going to order an Uber," the officer responded.
The consequences
Sanchez was arrested and placed in jail overnight. He has been ordered to install a breathalyzer in his vehicle.