Eric Trump says criminal conviction has increased support for his father

 June 24, 2024

Many on the left were delighted late last month when former President Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying business records.

However, one of the former president's sons insists that the verdict has only helped his father's campaign. 

"They did this to us for a long time. Now they're doing it to him"

According to Newsweek, Eric Trump made that claim this past weekend during an appearance on "Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo."

Trump argued that his father's conviction is perceived as being politically motivated by many in the African American community who perceive the justice system to be unfair.

"These people are saying, 'Huh, it's really interesting. They did this to us for a long time. Now they're doing it to him,'" Trump told host Maria Bartiromo.

"I might actually want to vote for the guy, you know, who'll fight back against this as we have tried to for so long," the president's son continued.

"I think that's why my father has done so incredibly well and that's why these inner cities are embracing him to the extent that they are," he added.

Survey shows most voters believe Trump's prosecution was driven by politics

Trump went on to comment on the timing of his father's sentencing hearing, which is scheduled to take place on July 11, just prior to the Republican National Convention (RNC).

"Go figure that. Out of all the dates the judge could've put this, they have to put it the day before maybe the biggest day outside of an Election Day in an election cycle. I mean, Maria, this is planned," Trump complained.

A Monmouth University survey published on June 13 found that 63% of voters believe the criminal charges brought against Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg were politically motivated.

While some 93% of Republicans see Trump's prosecution as a political move, that view is also shared by 60% of independent voters and 17% of Democrats.

Poll: Biden is losing ground among African American voters

Meanwhile, Fox News reported that Trump has experienced a fundraising boom since last month's conviction, something which has led to a sense of "depression" among Biden insiders.

What's more, a recent Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that although Biden continues to have the support of most African American voters, the president is losing ground.

"Despite a significant majority viewing Biden more favorably than Trump, that margin of favorable sentiment has declined from a 55 percentage point advantage in 2022 to a 48 point advantage now," it stated.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson