Former federal prosecutor accused of making false statements in J20 criminal cases from 2017

 July 19, 2024

During former President Donald Trump's 2017 inauguration, rabid, anti-Trump leftists banded together and destroyed property and otherwise threw baby hissy fits over Trump winning the White House. 

About 230 arrests were made at the time, and many of them claimed they were not guilty of the criminal charges they faced.

According to The Hill, a former federal prosecutor has now been accused of "withholding evidence" in many of those cases that could have been used to clear the defendants of criminal charges, according to an attorney disciplinary claim.

The claim accuses Jennifer Kerkhoff Muyskens, formerly of the D.C. district attorney’s office, of deceptively editing video footage to remove the name of the source, which was Project Veritas in many cases.

What's going on?

Attorneys for the defendants claim Muyskens relied on video footage from Project Veritas, which was controversial at the time, to push charges against the defendants.

The Hill noted:

Disciplinary counsel Hamilton Fox claims that Muyskens relied upon video evidence provided by Project Veritas, a conservative activist group infamous for undercover video, to back the prosecutions, knowing the video was misleadingly edited.

Disciplinary counsel Hamilton Fox claimed that the former federal prosecutor edited clips of the video to remove the source's name, which he claims deprived the defendants of a complete legal defense to clear their name, at least of criminal charges.

The Hill added:

Muyskens knew that her “editing of the original videos could hurt the prosecution and help the defense,” the complaint said. Fox also claimed Muyskens’s “statements and omissions to the government … were false and misleading.”

It was noted that in about 100 of the cases that she prosecuted, charges were dropped due to acquittals.

She was also accused of making false statements during the investigation into the charges to "both to the disciplinary office and the Department of Justice."

Social media reacts

Many users across social media reacted to the news.

"So this comes out 7+ years later. Just wait until the information comes out about the manipulation of evidence in the J6 trials," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Nothing surprises me these days."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson