Fox News host asks Maryland Gov. Wes Moore if he's 'ready' to possibly replace President Biden as 2024 Democratic nominee

 June 20, 2024

Owing largely to President Joe Biden's advanced age, declining physical and mental capabilities, and abysmal poll numbers, there has continued to be speculation that Democrats may try to replace him as the party's nominee at a late stage in the 2024 race.

On Wednesday, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade directly asked one potential replacement, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, if he was "ready" to fill in for Biden as the Democratic nominee if necessary, Mediaite reported.

The Democratic governor would not entertain such a discussion, however, and made it abundantly clear that he fully supported the current Democratic ticket of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

"People are floating your name"

Gov. Moore appeared on "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday to discuss a range of topics and was asked at one point by co-host Brian Kilmeade about the rumors circulating that he was under consideration by some as a possible replacement for President Biden, according to the Daily Caller.

Referencing the swift rebuilding of the recently collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore's harbor, Kilmeade said to the Maryland governor, "A Republican told me, they said 'when this bridge collapsed, this is going to be a test for Governor Moore. Because people think he’s going to be presidential material. And if he can get this done quickly, this would be a great launching pad for him.'"

"So far you’re doing it," he continued. "And that’s why people are floating your name as a possible President Biden replacement, should the wheels come off come the August convention. Your reaction?"

"I’m full-throated in my support of President Biden because I know so much of the momentum that we’ve been able to see in the state of Maryland," Moore replied as he touted significant reductions in the state's unemployment rate as well as for murders and violent crime, particularly in Baltimore.

"We’ve done it because we’ve moved bipartisan. We’ve done it because we’ve moved and built bridges. We’ve done it in partnership with the Biden Administration. And I’m excited for another four years to have a chance to work with President Biden," the governor added.

"Do you think you’re ready?"

The Daily Caller noted that Kilmeade pressed the issue, however, and directly asked Gov. Moore, "What about if your name was offered as a possible replacement, should something happen at the convention? How would you feel about that? Do you think you’re ready?"

"I think that President Biden is not just the nominee, President Biden is the best candidate for the presidency and is the reason I’m supporting him. And the reason that I look forward to engaging all throughout the campaign season to get him reelected," Moore reiterated.

Other top contenders to replace Biden

Kilmeade did not grab Gov. Moore's name out of mid-air, as the popular young governor of Maryland has previously been mentioned by others as a potential candidate to replace President Joe Biden, such as Business Insider, which ranked Moore among the top seven Democrats who could be an alternative nominee for the elderly incumbent.

Others on that list of possible replacements included the most obvious prospect, Vice President Harris, but also California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper.

Not mentioned on that list, but frequently at the center of the Biden replacement rumors, is former first lady Michelle Obama, even as she has repeatedly made it clear that she has no desire or intentions to run for any political office, much less the presidency.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson