George Clooney attends Biden fundraiser despite making angry call to the White House

 June 16, 2024

Hollywood actor George Clooney was among the celebrities who was at a fundraising event for President Joe Biden in Los Angeles this past weekend.

The film star's attendance came despite his having previously made an angry call to the White House last month. 

Clooney upset over reaction to arrest warrants against Israeli officials

According to Fox News, Clooney was bothered by Biden's dismissal of arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Clooney's ire stemmed from the fact that his wife, attorney Amal Clooney, works for the ICC and could be affected by sanctions against the organization.

"And let me be clear: Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security," Biden was quoted as saying of the warrants.

In addition to Netanyahu and Gallant, ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan announced on May 20 that he would seek to charge Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and two other top Hamas leaders with war crimes along with crimes against humanity.

House bill would sanction ICC

Fox News reported earlier this month that Forty-two House Democrats sided with Republicans in voting for a bill that would apply sanctions to the ICC.

For its part, the Biden administration has spoken out in opposition to the legislation but has yet to threaten it with a veto.

"There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve U.S. positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the Administration stands ready to work with the Congress on those options," Fox News quoted a White House statement as saying.

New York Democratic Rep. Greg Meeks also complained that the bill will have a "chilling effect on the ICC as an institution and hamper the court's effort to prosecute serious atrocities that have been perpetrated around the world."

"Sanctions should not be our only go-to punishment to express our displeasure, because they have real consequences," the Democratic lawmaker added.

Biden freezes up, has to be led of stage by former President Obama 

Clooney's presence wasn't the only notable aspect of Saturday's fundraiser, as the New York Post noted that Biden appeared to "freeze up" things drew to a close.

Viral video footage showed Biden staring blankly into the crowd for 10 seconds before former President Barack Obama took his hand and led him off stage.

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