GOP lawmakers berate Defense Sec. Austin over watchdog report about leftist DEI curriculum in Pentagon-run schools

 August 10, 2024

There is no question that the Biden-Harris administration is thoroughly devoted to imposing the radically progressive "diversity, equity, and inclusion" ideology, better known as DEI, on virtually all aspects of the government and American culture and society.

That apparently includes the leftist indoctrination of the schoolchildren of military service members at Department of Defense-run schools, according to several Republican members of Congress, The Washington Times reported.

Those GOP members of Congress recently excoriated Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin for his apparent dishonesty and failure of leadership in addressing the issue that was first raised several years ago but, per a watchdog report, has not been fixed as promised.

The watchdog group's report

The OpenTheBooks watchdog group published a report last month that exposed the "Secret push to institute radical DEI curriculums within the Pentagon's K-12 public schools," of which there are approximately 160 around the world, operated by an agency known as the Department of Defense Education Activity, with an enrollment of around 66,000 military dependent children.

The DoDEA had previously been called out for its "extreme radical pedagogical practices " involving DEI-related curriculum and had vowed to make changes, including transferring former DEI Chief Kelisa Wing to another department and disbanding the DEI department.

However, the OpenTheBooks report highlighted how internal emails revealed that the "DEI specialists" from the dissolved department were quietly "embedded" in other departments throughout DoDEA to continue indoctrinating schoolchildren with leftist ideologies and guidance from a DEI Steering Committee that was created to replace the now-defunct department.

The letter to Sec. Austin

Late last month, a group of congressional Republicans led by Reps. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and Jim Banks (R-IN) sent a letter to Defense Sec. Austin to express their continued "concerns and outrage" about the watchdog report that exposed how DoDEA "administrators and teachers continue to attempt to indoctrinate our service members' children with divisive gender, racial, and cultural ideology," despite the Pentagon agreeing to address the situation two years earlier.

With regard to what the report said about former DEI Chief Wing and the disbanded DEI Office, the lawmakers wrote, "It is evident that the dissolving of the DEI office and the removal of Kelisa Wing only served as cover-ups to enable DoDEA to further integrate DEI into every aspect of our nation’s military schools."

The letter further called out the radical progressive leftist curriculum and "blatantly racist" books being used by DoDEA and said it was "completely unacceptable" that lawmakers were forced to once again remind DoDEA that its mission is to educate children and not "manipulate and radicalize the minds of our youth. Your continued refusal to end the radicalization of DoDEA schools is disrespectful to our service members, will exacerbate the military recruitment and retention crisis, and significantly degrade operational readiness."

The letter also chided Austin and the Pentagon for failing to produce a report on parental rights that was required to be completed in January per a provision included in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act that included a Parental Bill of Rights for military service members.

The GOP lawmakers demanded documents and answers to a series of questions, and concluded, "Radical woke ideology is rotting out the schools of our service members’ children, and instead of addressing this, you have only exacerbated it. Our service members should not have to choose between serving their country or saving their children."

Statements from Stefanik and Banks

In a press release that announced the letter to Sec. Austin, Rep. Stefanik said in a statement, "Protecting our service members' children from the Biden-Harris Administration’s DoDEA remains one of my top priorities which is why I successfully led calls to dissolve their office of DEI and have my legislation, the Service Members’ Parents Bill of Rights, signed into law."

"Now I’m calling on Secretary Austin and the Biden-Harris Administration to completely end all efforts to indoctrinate our service members’ children with Far Left DEI propaganda," she added. "Our service members face many challenges and ensuring their children receive a high-quality patriotic education should not be one of them. I am proud to lead my colleagues in demanding that the Department of Defense remove radical Far Left ideology from their classrooms."

Similarly, Rep. Banks said, "It is shameful and unsustainable that while our servicemen and women are risking their lives to defend our nation, their children are being taught that America is a racist country not worth fighting for. My House Republican colleagues and I will continue to expose and eradicate the woke indoctrination that is destroying our service members’ trust in DoDEA schools."

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Thomas Jefferson