Harris campaign wants to change the rules of upcoming ABC debate against Trump

 August 28, 2024

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden agreed in June to hold a debate on ABC News on Sept. 10, and it was presumed by many that the agreement would carry over after Biden dropped out of the race and was replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Yet, there is now a debate over the debates as the Harris campaign seeks to alter the previously agreed-upon terms of the event, including whether the candidates' microphones will remain hot or be turned off when they aren't speaking, according to a Politico report on Monday.

Per the prior agreement between Trump and Biden, as it was for the disastrous CNN debate in June that led to Biden being ousted by his own party as the nominee, the mics would be turned off when it wasn't a candidate's turn to speak, but the Harris campaign has insisted that the mics remain on at all times.

Harris camp seeks to alter the debate rules

According to the Politico report, the Harris campaign has not been coy about why they want to change the rules and have live mics for both candidates throughout the ABC debate on Sept. 10 -- they are hopeful that VP Harris can provoke "intemperate outbursts" and interruptions from former President Trump that she can play to her advantage.

Conversely, the Trump campaign has argued that the rules that dictated muted mics for the non-speaking candidate had already been established and should be adhered to and further accused the Harris camp of seeking to alter some of the other terms of the debate, including being seated instead of standing for 90 minutes and being allowed to use notes with pre-scripted talking points.

Being seated instead of standing would negate the psychological advantage Trump would gain from his height, while notes would benefit Harris in light of her struggles with extemporaneous speaking -- something Trump doesn't have a problem with.

Of course, the Harris campaign denied those accusations and suggested that Trump's team was seeking excuses to bail on the debate, as he is purportedly afraid to go head-to-head against Harris.

Harris campaign insists mics will be "unmuted" at all times

With everything still in flux on Monday, The New York Times reported on Tuesday that, as far as the Trump campaign was concerned, a tentative agreement on the debate had been reached, though the Harris campaign still begged to differ.

During a campaign stop in Virginia on Monday, Trump said of the dust-up over the microphones, "Doesn’t matter to me. I’d rather have it probably on. But the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time."

In response, a spokesperson for Harris seized on that remark and told reporters, "Both candidates have publicly made clear their willingness to debate with unmuted mics for the duration of the debate to fully allow for substantive exchanges between the candidates -- but it appears Donald Trump is letting his handlers overrule him. Sad!"

Trump says debate is happening with same rules as last time

The Washington Post also reported on the debate over debate terms and noted that Trump, in a Truth Social post, appeared to indicate that the ABC debate would go forward with the same rules as the CNN debate, despite the Harris team suggesting otherwise about the microphones.

"I have reached an agreement with the Radical Left Democrats for a Debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. It will be Broadcast Live on ABC FAKE NEWS, by far the nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business, on Tuesday, September 10th, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," Trump wrote. "The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone except, perhaps, Crooked Joe Biden."

"The Debate will be 'stand up,' and Candidates cannot bring notes, or 'cheat sheets,'" he continued. "We have also been given assurance by ABC that this will be a 'fair and equitable' Debate, and that neither side will be given the questions in advance (No Donna Brazile!)."

"Harris would not agree to the FoxNews Debate on September 4th, but that date will be held open in case she changes her mind or, Flip Flops, as she has done on every single one of her long held and cherished policy beliefs," Trump added. "A possible third Debate, which would go to NBC FAKE NEWS, has not been agreed to by the Radical Left. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

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Thomas Jefferson