Hillary Clinton accuses Supreme Court of rolling back 'constitutional decisions'

 July 4, 2023

Former Secretary of State and failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just couldn't stop herself from tweeting about the recent Supreme Court decisions and her opinion of the conservative court's rulings in general on Friday.

"The Supreme Court's recent rulings were sadly predictable for anyone who understands the hard-right agenda. Their goal has always been to install Justices whose job is to turn back the clock on our freedoms, on decades of constitutional decisions, and on our continuing struggle to 'form a more perfect union' that includes all of us," she wrote.

"Let's vote out their political enablers and rein in the dark, subversive money that supports them in their quest to reverse a century of progress," she added.

 "Rip away" progress

The tweet included a screenshot of a 2016 tweet about packing the Supreme Court with justices who could "rip away all the progress we've made."

See? Clinton is saying in so many words. You should have elected me and then this wouldn't have happened.

Roe V. Wade's overturning, affirmative action's ordered end, and any number of other rulings the left is apoplectic over would never have happened if she were president from 2017-2020 instead of Trump.

But unfortunately for her and Democrats, she is still an unlikeable shrew who was even less liked than Donald Trump in 2016, which is saying something.

And without the three justices Trump appointed, it is highly likely that the U.S. would be even more unrecognizable right now and that the Constitution would be all but abandoned by its government.

"Following the Constitution is not 'Hard Right'"

Some of her Twitter followers recognized this, like this one who said, "The Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and the Rule of Law. These are things Hillary Clinton knows nothing about."

Another reply read, "Following the Constitution is not 'Hard Right'."

It's the court's job to decide whether laws or executive orders follow the Constitution, and many of them like President Joe Biden's unilateral decision to forgive billions of dollars of student loans, are clearly not.

The left is pushing the envelope harder and harder, with a seeming total disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution when it doesn't agree with what they say.

Thank God for a constitutional court to rein in the left and bring us closer to the way the country was founded and intended to be.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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