House investigator James Comer says Biden physician implicated in family business deals

 July 8, 2024

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has raised several concerns about the potential conflicts of interest involving White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor and the Biden family's business dealings.

James Comer, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, has openly questioned the objectivity of medical evaluations provided by Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, in relation to President Biden’s health. This inquiry has motivated Comer to send a formal request for O'Connor to appear before Congress to discuss these concerns.

Comer's apprehensions center around O'Connor's reported ties with the Biden family and their involvement with Americore Health, LLC, which Comer believes might influence O'Connor’s medical assessments. In February, O'Connor evaluated President Biden as a "healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male," fully competent in performing his presidential duties.

Questions Over Cognitive Assessments and Americore Connections

Notably, Comer has pointed out that O'Connor did not recommend a cognitive test for the President, raising doubts about the comprehensiveness of the health assessment.

Comer suggested that O’Connor’s ties to the Biden family business dealings, particularly with Americore, where dubious transactions involved James Biden, might be affecting his professional judgment.

Carol Fox, a trustee involved in Americore's Chapter 11 proceedings, testified against James Biden regarding unmet funding promises using the Biden name. Further complicating matters, James Biden received $200,000 from Americore in 2018, claimed as a loan repayment to President Biden.

James Biden, during his committee interview, mentioned that Dr. O'Connor had given advice regarding his involvement at Americore and also attended a significant meeting about a hospital acquisition by Americore.

Dr. O’Connor’s Alleged Role in Biden Business Dealings

This revelation came amid fresh scrutiny following President Biden's performance in a recent debate where many, including Comer, voiced concerns about his fitness to serve. Comer particularly criticized the assessment of Biden's health post-debate, questioning the President's physical fitness seen by the public over the years.

In response to these doubts, Comer asserted, "The Oversight Committee is concerned your medical assessments have been influenced by your private business endeavors with the Biden family." This statement highlights the growing mistrust regarding the impartiality of the President’s health updates.

White House and Dr. O’Connor Under Increasing Scrutiny

Despite the White House claiming no medical examinations for President Biden since February, Biden himself stated recently that he had been checked by a doctor. This discrepancy has sparked further debate about the transparency surrounding the President's health.

O’Connor has been given until July 14 to comply with the request for a transcribed interview and to submit relevant documents that could clarify his involvement with the Biden family's business interests.

Amidst these controversies, President Biden has reaffirmed his intention to continue leading the Democratic Party and to run in the 2024 presidential elections, declaring, "No one is pushing me out."

In summary, the call for Dr. Kevin O'Connor to testify is driven by concerns over the authenticity and independence of the medical evaluations he has provided to President Biden, amid allegations of his involvement with the Biden family's business dealings.

The forthcoming testimonial could be pivotal in ensuring the objectivity and transparency of the President’s health assessments.

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Thomas Jefferson