House Republicans to investigate alleged retaliation against IRS whistleblowers

 June 18, 2024

IRS agents came forward last year to allege that federal authorities gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment when investigating him for tax evasion.

This week saw House Republicans launch a probe into whether the two agents were targeted by the White House for retaliation. 

Office of Special Counsel is supposed to protect whistleblowers

According to the New York Post, that announcement came in the form of a letter sent this week to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC).

The letter began by explaining that multiple House committees are looking at the treatment of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler

Specifically, lawmakers will focus on the question of if OSC "has contributed by action and/or inaction to retaliation" towards Shapley and Ziegler.

"Needless to say, such behavior would be contrary to OSC's primary mission of protecting whistleblowers," the lawmakers stressed.

Republicans hail Shapley and Ziegler as "honorable government employee"

"The House Republican leadership and the Committees request a briefing to better understand OSC's conduct and to ensure that there has not been any improper influence on OSC's investigation," the letter explained.

Signed by House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, the letter was accompanied by a statement from them along with three other GOP congressmen.

"IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have been wholly consistent in their testimony about misconduct and politicization in the Department of Justice’s criminal investigation of Hunter Biden," the lawmakers said.

"They did exactly what an honorable government employee should do: when they witnessed wrongdoing, they reported it responsibly and made legally protected disclosures," the congressmen continued.

Lawmakers demand a briefing from OSC

"Because of their bravery and integrity, we are finally beginning to see steps toward accountability. But this has not come without great cost to them. Mr. Shapley and Ziegler have faced retaliation for doing the right thing," the Republicans complained.

The lawmakers pointed out how the OSC "must conduct an impartial investigation of the claims of Mr. Shapley and Ziegler without improper influence from those seeking to smear these courageous individuals."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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