Jan. 6 video clips show then-Speaker Pelosi accepting 'responsibility' for security failures, lack of National Guard troops

 September 8, 2024

Democrats and the media, led by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), have spent the past three and a half years pushing a narrative that attempts to exclusively blame former President Donald Trump for all of the security failures that occurred during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot in 2021.

Yet, video footage from that fateful day reveals then-Speaker Pelosi admitting her responsibility for the lack of adequate security measures to protect the U.S. Capitol building, including the lack of National Guard troops, according to TheBlaze.

The footage, publicly released by the Republican-led House Administration Committee, was previously in the possession of the now-defunct Democrat-led House Jan. 6 Select Committee but was kept hidden from the public for years by Pelosi's hand-picked committee members because it undermined the pre-established anti-Trump narrative of assigned blame.

Pelosi claimed responsibility

In one video clip filmed by the then-Speaker's daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, as part of a documentary for HBO, the top member of Congress was seen in the back of a vehicle complaining to aides about the devolving situation at the Capitol building after being evacuated by security amid the escalating unrest.

Pelosi acknowledged a level of responsibility and a lack of accountability for what was happening and demanded to know why the National Guard hadn't already been deployed before the protest-turned-riot even began, and said at one point, "I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more."

In another video clip from slightly earlier in the day, as Pelosi and her aides were being escorted through the halls and tunnels of the Capitol building the then-Speaker could again be heard lamenting that National Guard troops hadn't been deployed from the start, and saying, "We have totally failed. We need to take some responsibility for not moving to secure ..."

Pelosi, the police, and the generals

In a recent segment for TheBlaze TV, investigative reporter Steve Baker observed that the documentary footage from the then-Speaker's daughter "caught some pretty interesting details of the mindset of Nancy Pelosi."

"At one point, she tried to take the blame for not having the National Guard out there, and then she immediately turned on a dime and then started blaming former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund for not having the National Guard there," Baker said, even though evidence shows Sund requested National Guard troops three days ahead of the event.

"Not only did he request for it three days in advance and was denied by the House Sergeant at Arms, Paul Irving, because he said that Pelosi would never go for it, the day itself, the reason why it took so long for that deployment, is because this was actually sent all the way up to the [Department of Defense]," he continued.

Baker further revealed that it was a Pentagon conference call involving a "coalition of generals," led by then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, that debated whether or not to fulfill the requests to deploy the National Guard and how they didn't like "the optics" of uniformed troops guarding the Capitol building.

Pelosi admitted on video that "she was responsible for the security failures"

In a June statement at the time the video footage was first released, House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) said, "As Nancy Pelosi was being evacuated from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 she admitted that, as Speaker of the House, she was responsible for the security failures, and for not having the National Guard at the Capitol."

"However, after the dust settled from the breach of the Capitol, she spent 20 million taxpayer dollars for her January 6 Select Committee to create a narrative that shifted the blame on President Trump," he added. "The Democrats’ partisan select committee went to great lengths to suppress and hide evidence that didn’t support their predetermined narrative about that day, including this video of Speaker Pelosi admitting that she was responsible for the security failures at the Capitol. My committee will continue to investigate and expose all the facts. The American people deserve the truth."

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Thomas Jefferson