Kash Patel clears up alleged FBI 'honeypot' scandal

 March 1, 2025

According to FBI Director Kash Patel, a female agent did not run a "honeypot" operation against President Donald Trump. 

Patel, according to Just the News, says that this whole story is false.

Suffice it to say that this comes to the surprise of many.


In case you are unfamiliar with the story, we'll catch you up to speed. It has been alleged that, during the Obama administration, then-Director James Comey launched a "honeypot" operation against Trump.

Fox News reports:

[The FBI] is looking into an alleged 2015 operation, which was revealed by a whistleblower in a disclosure to the House Judiciary Committee last year and was said to involve two agents acting as "honeypots" while traveling with the Trump team. "Honeypots" typically refer to undercover agents who act romantically interested in a target in order to draw out information.

Fox goes on to describe the whistleblower as " an FBI employee" who "was involved in an 'off-the-books' investigation targeting then-presidential candidate Donald Trump."

This really was not surprising to anybody, considering how the Trump 2016 presidential campaign was targeted by the FBI and others.

But, it now appears that this "honeypot" story is simply not true.

Patel explains

Patel has recently released a statement indicating that the "honeypot" narrative recently pushed by the media is false.

He said:

A female agent was falsely referenced in the media this week as part of an alleged whistleblower disclosure- she was NOT a honeypot. I have reviewed the matter, again, and she did the limited job assigned to her. These actions were also reviewed by Special Counsel John Durham and he found no evidence of any wrongdoing by her. This agent has dedicated her life to public service, and I will have her back for it.

Further details have not been provided. But, Patel did go on to explain what to expect from him, now that he is leading the FBI.

He said:

The American people will get an FBI that is transparent, accountable, and committed to justice. ust like when I exposed grotesque violations and fraud leading the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Crossfire Hurricane calling out corrupt actors; I will equally defend those attacked falsely, especially as your new FBI Director. I will always be the first to push for accountability from within, my track record has established that, but we do not establish guilt by association in this FBI. Stay the course and abide by our high standards, and I will always have your back. Deviate in anyway, and you will not be a part of this FBI. She is here to stay.

President Donald Trump believes that Patel could end up being the best FBI director ever.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson