Lara Trump, RNC co-chair, says 'We will track you down' to election cheaters

 June 17, 2024

On Friday, Lara Trump—the daughter-in-law of former president Trump and co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC)—promised to bring criminal charges against anyone caught engaging in election fraud.

The former first-daughter-in-law channeled the former president in her words, saying in no uncertian terms that she was taking her position in the RNC seriously, and any possible cheaters would be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law, as Fox News reported.

"This year is the year we do it," Lara Trump said at Turning Point USA’s convention in Detroit, Michigan.

"We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election, we will find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law."

From the RNC

The RNC official's comments came on the same day that her organization instituted a program in swing states to organize hundreds of people to act as "election integrity" monitors in November, including poll workers, attorneys, and poll monitors.

More than 500 attorneys and over 100,000 poll monitors would be deployed to various voting sites across the nation, according to Lara Trump.

A federal court consent decree, put in place to halt Republican-backed attempts to intimidate voters, severely hampered the RNC's capacity to organize poll observation and other actions pertaining to election integrity for a considerable amount of time. In 2018, the order was lifted.

"We have a unique opportunity right now that we have not had in 40 years as a party. For 40 years, there was a consent decree placed on the RNC that did not allow us to train people to work as poll workers," Lara Trump said at the Turning Point USA event.

"Who was training all the people for the last 40 years? Not the RNC. Think about how many people the DNC got to train."

Possible Outcome

Some have speculated that the Republican National Committee's new initiative will target "Democrat attempts to circumvent the rules."

The party will set up hotlines so observers may report any irregularities they see during the election, something sadly lacking last election season. They will also send out monitors to keep an eye on everything, and if necessary, take legal action.

The Oakland County GOP headquarters, a powerful local party in Michigan, hosted the RNC's kickoff ceremony, something that was alight with fanfair.

The Michigan Test

One of Michigan's leading swing and indicator counties for many years, Oakland County is a wealthy suburb of Detroit.

Michael Whatley, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said in his announcement on Friday that the organization will appoint election integrity directors in fifteen states—among them, the most closely contested—and collaborate with state parties to establish comparable initiatives in the remaining states.

"What we need to ensure is integrity in our electoral process," Lara Trump said during the kickoff event in Bloomfield Hills, in a suburban county that is crucial for winning Michigan.

"We can never go back and repeat 2020, but we can learn the lessons from 2020." She said most of the RNC is currently focused on the committee's election integrity program.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson