RNC co-chair Lara Trump warns election cheaters will be found and prosecuted

 June 18, 2024

The alleged fraud in the 2020 election that resulted in President Joe Biden's victory over former President Donald Trump remains fresh on the minds of many Republicans, including Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump.

The former president's daughter-in-law warned on Friday that anybody who cheated in November's upcoming election would be found out, tracked down, and prosecuted, according to Breitbart.

That warning came as part of a broader announcement about a volunteer army of poll watchers and litigators currently being trained by the RNC to observe the casting and counting of ballots in key battleground states and to file legal challenges against any identified threats to the election's integrity.

"We will find you, we will track you down, and we will prosecute you"

The remarks from Lara Trump came during an appearance Friday at a conservative Turning Point USA event in Detroit, Michigan, where she delivered a positive outlook for Republicans in the upcoming election and said, "This year is the year we do it."

"We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election," she warned. "We will find you, we will track you down, and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law."

Fox News reported that Trump also spoke about the RNC's efforts to ensure "election integrity" in the wake of a federal court-imposed consent decree that strictly limited RNC efforts to train poll watchers and monitor elections for several decades.

"We have a unique opportunity right now that we have not had in 40 years as a party. For 40 years, there was a consent decree placed on the RNC that did not allow us to train people to work as poll workers," she said. "Who was training all the people for the last 40 years? Not the RNC. Think about how many people the DNC got to train."

"So now we have this amazing opportunity so we can train you to work in a polling location. We can train you to work in a tabulation center when the mail-in ballots come in. We also want attorneys to work in every major polling location so we are not reactive, we are proactive," Trump added of how all aspects of the election process would be closely monitored.

"What we need to ensure is integrity in our electoral process," she said at another point during the event. "We can never go back and repeat 2020, but we can learn the lessons from 2020."

Media kept out of loop on RNC election integrity training

The New York Post reported that Lara Trump told the Detroit event's attendees that the RNC planned to train and "deploy" across the country "over 100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers," and predicted, "I believe if we have a free, fair, and transparent election that there’s no question we’ll all be going to bed early on November 5. And we’ll go to bed knowing Donald Trump is our next president."

The outlet noted that the RNC has not allowed the media to observe any of the training materials or sessions with volunteers, and Trump told reporters in response to concerns raised about potential conflicts and violence at polling locations, "Anyone who comes to these trainings will see and hear the lengths we are going to to ensure freedom, fairness, and safety."

Likewise, RNC Chair Michael Whatley told the Post, "Our people will be taught to be respectful and non-threatening, but to also follow the law," and added, "Our biggest goals this year with the Trump campaign are to get out the vote and protect the ballot."

Democrats criticize, push back against RNC efforts

Of course, not everybody is happy about what the RNC is doing, and Fox News shared criticism of the effort from the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee -- even as they are engaged in similar efforts to recruit and train volunteers to monitor polling places and ballot counting locations.

Newsweek also shared an assortment of sarcastic pushback on social media to Lara Trump's comments from bitter leftists who pointed out that it is Republicans like former President Trump and his allies who are currently facing prosecution in multiple states and federally for alleged attempts to cheat and interfere in the 2020 election.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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