McCarthy says Biden's bribery case reaching the 'level of impeachment inquiry'

 July 25, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) noted the potential of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden Monday.

McCarthy shared the remarks on Fox News' "Hannity" during a discussion of the Biden bribery investigation.

The comments

“This is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry,” he said.

“This president also has used something we have not seen since Richard Nixon … used the weaponization of government to benefit his family and deny Congress the ability to have the oversight” needed to investigate corruption claims," he said.

The payments

"The FBI kept this from the IRS individuals for them ever to see it," McCarthy told Hannity.

"So not only do they claim that they were bribed, we now find information that 16 out of 17 payments from Romania were provided to the Biden shell companies while he was vice president," he added.

The problem

“When Biden was running for office, he told the public he has never talked about business. He said his family has never received a dollar from China, which we prove is not true,” McCarthy explained.

"This president has also used something we have not seen since Richard Nixon: Use the weaponization of government to benefit his family and deny Congress the ability to have the oversight,” he continued.

Despite the details in the investigation, first son Hunter Biden has continued to travel with his father, including an international trip to Europe.

Additional evidence is also expected to be released involving Ukrainian energy company Burisma which reportedly paid millions of dollars to the Biden family, with Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer set to soon testify with even further details that could increase concerns in the case.

The information continues to come out that shows the problems with Biden's past business dealings, now leading to a potential impeachment inquiry under the Republican majority in the House as the president continues his plans to run for a second term in 2024.

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