McCarthy slams Gaetz, demands conviction

 June 3, 2024

In a Sunday interview with CNN, former Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy criticized Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz; McCarthy demanded Gaetz's conviction in relation to an investigation that began in 2021.

McCarthy spoke on "Inside Politics With Manu Raju" regarding his public dispute with Gaetz, the Florida representative who spearheaded the effort to remove McCarthy from his position as speaker the previous year, as The Daily Caller reported.

Manu Raju, a presenter on CNN, drew attention to the fact that McCarthy has since supported Aaron Dimmock, a Republican primary opponent of Gaetz's, by questioning why he appears to want Gaetz "out."

McCarthy's Comments

“No, I just don‘t think Gaetz is a conservative. I mean, if you think about it, if there‘s anybody who should go to trial, I mean, Gaetz is one who should be convicted in a trial,” McCarthy responded.

“Why? Why do you say that?” Raju asked.

“Well, we all know the challenger. You can’t sleep with underage women and think you can get away with it,” McCarthy stated.

“He denies that,” Raju noted.

“Well, the women don‘t and so there‘s people in jail because of it. I think that‘s a place where people should have a court. I just don‘t think that is an individual [who] should be represented in Congress, I don‘t think the constituents would want that either,” McCarthy pushed back.

McCarthy has previously endorsed Gaetz; Raju further emphasized this point, interrogating whether McCarthy was "disappointed" by Trump's decision to run against Gaetz.

Trump's Take

“Now, Trump has endorsed him and Nancy Mace, who is another one of those Republicans who voted to oust you. Are you disappointed that the former president —” Raju stated.

“No, look, the people in that district can make those decisions. I saw President Trump endorse State Senator John McGuire, a navy seal in Virginia, against Bob Good. I think that‘s a very important race, especially a navy seal like John McGuire, state senator in Virginia that‘s served this country is willing to serve again,” McCarthy jumped in.

“But he’s trying to help some of the people who pushed you out,” Raju highlighted.

“That’s alright, everybody has their opinion,” McCarthy stated.

The Case Against Gatez

In March 2021, reports surfaced about an investigation into Gaetz in connection with an alleged federal sex trafficking case. This investigation originated from a corruption inquiry that targeted Joel Greenberg, a former ally of Gaetz and the tax collector of Seminole County, Florida.

Greenberg pleaded guilty in May 2021 to charges including identity theft, sex trafficking with a juvenile, and fraud. In exchange, he received an 11-year prison sentence and was ordered to forfeit $654,799.95 to the federal government.

Although Greenberg pleaded guilty, his allegation that the Florida lawmaker Venmo'd him for sexual contact with young women was not included.

Subsequent to the revelation that he and his family were being extorted by career fraudster Stephen Alford in relation to the investigation, Gaetz has refuted the allegations. Alford attempted to obtain $25 million from Gaetz's father.

The Department of Justice decided not to press charges against the Florida lawmaker by 2023. Nevertheless, in March of that year, Gaetz was compelled to provide testimony in a defamation lawsuit initiated by Chris Dorworth, a former Republican lawmaker in Florida and a political associate of Gaetz.

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Thomas Jefferson