Michigan becomes top GOP Senate target after Mike Rogers shows life

 September 3, 2024

Back when Joe Biden was the Democratic candidate, it was pretty clear that Donald Trump was going to steamroll his way to victory in the November 2024 election.

Once Kamala Harris was handed the reins to reign over the Democratic Party though, Trump's lead became less sturdy. Some people would even say that Democrats are leading in general right now, thanks at least in part to the momentum ditching Biden and getting a fresh face has brought to the party.

The lead that liberals claim to be enjoying right now might not be as big as they'd like you to believe, however. Liberals still have a LOT of work to do convincing hardworking Americans in battleground states that they should vote for communism.

Michigan's Senate race is proving that Republicans still have very valid shots not only to win the presidency, but pick up some Congressional seats in some areas that liberals had been counting on dominating. FoxNews.com is reporting that former Representative Mike Rogers, a Republican, is polling just as well as his Democratic opponent with some Demographics.

Could Representative Mike Rogers flip the script?

Michigan was not necessarily expected to be in play for Republican congressional candidates, as the state has a history of electing primarily Democrat senators.

A short while ago, many people were guessing that Mike Rogers didn't really have a chance in Michigan. It only took a quick glance at a recent poll to realize that Mike Rogers is very much alive.

That poll showed that Rogers is tied with his Democratic opponent when it comes to voters over 50 in Michigan.

GOP fans are treating it as a nice surprise that Republicans might have a shot in Michigan, but that's what happens when America gets tired of the liars and thieves of the Democratic party being in control.

"It seems like Michigan may be a little bit more competitive than Ohio," one Republican strategist said. This is interesting because Michigan was supposed to be ranked behind races in West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio in terms of Republican chances.

Whether voters in Michigan are starting to lean Republican because they actually want a Republican or are simply tired of Democrats remains to be seen, but I'm sure Mike Rogers will enjoy the poll results regardless.

Michigan more competitive

Rogers is pursuing the Senate seat currently held by outgoing Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

Pollsters are starting to take note that Michigan might be a little bit more competitive than liberals initially hoped it would be.

Bob Ward of the bipartisan polling team Fabrizio Ward called Michigan "definitely a battleground Senate race."

As of right now, Rogers is in a tight battle for the Senate seat with Representative Elissa Slotkin, a Democrat. One thing that Rogers has going for him is the fact that he isn't facing an incumbent, which could make his fight just a little bit easier.

A poll from the New York Times and Siena College in August 2024 revealed that Rogers was trailing Slotkin by just one point overall. What was once thought of as unattainable for Republicans is now certainly in play.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson